Thursday, February 21, 2008


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7 Months

Logan is 7 months old and growing like a weed. We took him to get his 2nd flu shot this afternoon and the nurse wanted to give him the shot in the arm. I asked "Don't you normally put it in the leg?" To which she replied "No, after they're one years old we use the arm instead." Apparently Logan is as big as a lot of one year olds. No wonder Jon calls him "Tank".

Logan and I flew up to Edmonton on Tuesday afternoon. The flight was PACKED! Who PAYS to fly to Edmonton? Logan flirted and made eyes with the flight attendant during the safety "lesson" and then fell asleep on my shoulder as soon as we took off. He slept the entire 30 minute flight and woke up once we landed in Edmonton. It was nice to see Robyn again and hang out with her. Mark drove up the next day and the four of us went to West Edmonton Mall, shopped and had lunch. Then Mark, Logan and I drove home together.

The weather was so warm today that we went for a walk around the neighborhood. We stopped at the park behind the Bouwman's house and let Logan try out the swings for the first time. He LOVED it!! (Although it's kinda hard to tell from the photos.) I'll post a video as well.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Charlie bit me

Robyn showed me this funny video while I was up in Edmonton. We killed ourselves laughing. Both of their facial expressions are so funny! I wanted to share it with everyone, so I figured this was the easiest way. I hope it makes you laugh like it did us, or atleast puts a smile on your face!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day and etc.

Mark and I had a pretty low key Valentine's Day. We actually spent the evening sorting out our pop cans and pop bottles and took them all to the bottle depot. We then took our $33.15 and went to Tim Horton's for dinner (with Logan). How romantic!! Mark says once you're married Valentine's Day doesnt count anymore. (Although he did buy me flowers, which was a nice surprise as I honestly wasn't expecting them. Mark always rants and raves about how expensive flowers are on Valentine's Day and how he is going to wait until the week after to save money. But I guess this year he was feeling rich!) We got Logan a little stuffed puppy with a heart on its collar. He didn't really know what to do with it. I think stuffed animals is a girl thing.

Mark's cousins Cheri and Tracy are here this weekend from Phoenix to go skiing/snowboarding. They arrived on Friday, so all the cousins got together at Dan and Karen's for pizza and a game night. (I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures. I brought my camera along with good intentions, but it stayed in the diaper bag all night! Ahhh!) Saturday Logan and I went to the Wienses for a delicious brunch with everyone (sadly Mark was working). Mark's mom has a fisher price piano and Logan just had a BLAST banging on it. It was very noisey, but super cute!! (I actually went to Walmart today to see if I could find one for our house, but they didnt have one! So if anyone sees them anywhere, let me know!!)

Today Mark headed out to Lake Louise with his cousins to go snowboarding. Logan and I went to church and then over to Uncle John and Auntie Nancy's for coffee and wine time. We then came home and Logan and Duke played with their new toys. I couldn't find a piano for Logan at Walmart, but I did find drums!! Lately Logan loves anything that is loud and noisey. The louder it is, the better. He absolutely LOVES playing with these new drums!! (I am already feeling sorry for our poor neighbors... they have NO idea how noisey its going to be once Logan discovers the actual drums in our basement.) We had thrown away Duke's old rope (it got shredded while we were staying at my parents' house). At Walmart I found a gigantice, heavy duty rope, so now Duke is having a blast as well. He carries it around everywhere with him. (Right now he is sleeping in the hallway with his chin resting on it! How cute!!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Pictures

Just a couple of new pictures I thought I would share...

TJ and Kelly bought Logan this Winnie the Pooh hat when he was first born. He wears it after his baths to keep his head warm. I think its super cute!! He's growing so fast that pretty soon it will no longer fit. (Which is why I thought I would snap a few pictures while I still can!!)

This month I started giving Logan "baby cookies". He absolutely LOVES them! He devours them within minutes. (He sometimes scares me by shoving pretty much the whole thing in his mouth at once!) Duke also loves the cookies. He lays under Logan's highchair just waiting for one to drop to the floor. We made a mistake of giving Logan one while he was in his excersaucer, and Duke snuck up on him and stole it right out of his hand. Logan was pretty shocked.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Mom Song

Here Mom...
I found it on YouTube (like Auntie Laura said). I think you have said every single line of this song to me and Robyn atleast three times in our lives (except substitute volleyball for piano and dog for the cat).
I wonder how many times I will have to sing this to Logan???

Friday, February 08, 2008


People have asked me why we call Logan "Booger". Isn't that an odd nick name? Shouldn't you call him something cuter? Something a little more... appropriate?? Well.... if the shoe fits..... I think the pictures below (although gross) prove my point.... Logan is a little... scratch that, a BIG BOOGER!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


This afternoon Logan and I went swimming at Killarney Pool with my mom, Auntie Laura and her three kids. This was pretty much Logan's first time swimming (it was too cold in California and he was too sick to enjoy the pool). But we will definately be going more often as Logan LOVED it! He kicked and splashed the entire time. He didn't really know what to think when I dunked him under.. but he didnt cry! Brett was a little fish and swam nonstop. Justin and Tyler... they were a little afraid at first.. but after a while they got used to it (and learnt how to bend their knees while walking). The change room after was a little hectic... but overall, it was a great time.

Brett Swimming

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I see this commercial ALL THE TIME on channel 37, The CW. Everytime I see it, I end up with the jingle stuck in my head for the rest of the day "877-393-4448!!!!!!" My favorite part has got to be the giant squid monster thingy... he cracks me up everytime!

Monday, February 04, 2008