"Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart; Why are we here and where do we go and how come it's so hard? It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving. I'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together!" - Jack Johnson
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Boxing Day

Christmas Night
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Morning Pictures
Christmas Eve Pictures
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Logan's Sunday School Program
Today was Logan's Sunday School "Program". I say program loosely, as it was only 4 or 5 songs. Mark and I had been practicing with Logan for a couple weeks... but a lot of good that did us. Here are clips from the service...
Jesus Loves Me
We actually didn't know the kids were going to sing this song, I think it was a last minute addition. Logan loves the action for "they are weak, but He is strong" - hence him staying like that for half the song. He then got distracted by the little girl beside him and started talking with her and making faces at her. Not one of Mark and I's proudest moments as Logan's parents.
King Forever
When they sent the words home for all of the songs, neither Mark and I had ever heard of this one, so we had no clue how the tune went. So poor Logan got no instruction from us on this one. And as you can see he inherited his sense of timing/rythum from me. He couldn't figure out when he was supposed to clap, and was always behind. He was then also very concerned about his buddy Cameron who couldn't seem to find his way up on stage.
Mary Had a Baby
Again, Mark and I let Logan down on this song. After seeing the words we both assumed we knew which song it was and taught Logan the completely wrong tune. He managed to fumble his way through it however.
Joy to the World
We REALLY practiced this one at home, and Logan knows probably 95% of the words.. but, it seems he got stage fright and decided to just sway back and forth instead of sing. He and Kaleb then get into some sort of heated discussion - I'm surprised the two of them didn't get into any trouble!
I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, JOY!
Cameron kind of steals the show here, what with his finger up his nose and his sweet dance moves. Logan's kinda lame with his hands in his pockets. Until he decides to give clapping a try.. again, major Mandee fail here.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Snow Fun
Yesterday we took the kids to Turtle Hill to do some sledding. It was the first time this year that Logan's been out on the hill, and Katie's first time period. Logan was absolutely fearless and loved going down the steepest part of the hill (until he and Mark hit an unseen jump at the bottom of the hill). Katie on the other hand, went down the hill twice and decided she had enough. She would then scream if you got her anywhere near the sled.
Mark and both kids going down the hill
Mark & Logan's wipe out on the GT
Mark and I both decided that sledding isn't as fun when you're the adult and the one who has to pull/carry the kids AND the sleds up the hill.
And then Logan was Logan and was just being plain goofy playing in the snow. Who knows what he was doing here.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
What I LOVE about my new car..
Here are a few things I LOVE about my new car...
Because of our price range, I knew I couldn't afford to be picky when it came to color. We test drove white cars, burgandy cars, purple cars and red cars with lighting bolts painted down both sides (seriously!) So when we bought this car, I was THRILLED with the color. They call it "green". It is a very, very, very light green. Almost a silverish green. I like the color because a) it hides dirt well b) its not a very common color, so there won't be 6 of my same car driving around my neighborhood and c) its not wood panelling.
The Seats.
First of all, I LOVE that the seats are leather. With our kids and our dog they are so much easier to keep clean than cloth seats. The front two seats and the middle two seats are also heated. HEATED!! So nice and cozy and warm! They are also all power seats. The driver's seat also has two memory presets, so at the touch of a button the seat and mirrors will change to my liking, and at the push of the other button, to Mark's.
After four and a half years of only AM radio, it is such a treat to have not only FM radio, but a CD player as well. I have 5 of my favorite radio stations preset and 6 of my favorite CD's loaded into the dash. The steering wheel has controls to turn it on and off, volume up and down and change the stations/tracks. Now, I just have to remember to turn it on!
I could only open my jeep from the driver side. The passenger side lock had been pulled out by some punks a couple years before we bought the jeep - leaving what looked like a giant bullet hole. It was sometimes a pain to have to walk all the way around the car to unlock it, and then all the way back around to the other side to strap Logan into his car seat. But now... now I have keyless entry. I can unlock my car from INSIDE my house! I can pop open the back hatch remotely! As dorky as this sounds, I think this might be my favorite feature of my new car!
Not much different about this all wheel drive from the jeep's all wheel drive. I just love all wheel drive. I love not having to worry about getting stuck in the snow.