Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Soo Soo Berry

All along we have told Logan that when he turns 3 he no longer needs his soother. Well, he turns 3 next week while we are in BC camping. Perfect timing! Logan camps hard, he goes goes goes all day long. By the time his head hits the pillow at the end of the day he's out! We figured we would get rid of the soother tonight already in preparation for the week.

Logan's last nap with his beloved soo soo (as he calls it). We've tried to only let Logan have it at nap time and bed time, but he's really attached to it. He'll sneak it out of bed during the day and cuddle up on the couch with his soother and blankie.

We told Logan that when he turns 3 he is then a "big boy". Big boys don't need soothers, but new little babies do. So we hung all of his old soothers in the tree for the soother fairy (or the soo soo berry as Logan calls her) to come and get them. She then brings them to new babies who don't have soothers.

The soo soo berry then left Logan a getprise (Logan's word for surprise) while Logan was in the tub in exchange for all of his soothers.

The soo soo berry left Logan a puppy hockey player. Something for Logan to take to bed in replace of his soother. Logan and daddy named him Flash because he skates real fast! Logan has never really shown an interest in teddy bears before, but Flash hasn't left his side all evening. He read flash books, played hockey with him and protected him from Katie.

We put Logan to bed at his normal time of 8:30. It is now 10:45 and I think he is FINALLY asleep. He never once asked for his soother, but it did take him a lot longer to fall asleep than normal. But maybe that's just because he was too busy playing with Flash!