Third time's the charm as they say. He walked the aisle like a pro and stood up front with the guys like a little man.

And most recently, this past weekend, Logan was the ring bearer for my cousin Chris and his new bride, Robbi-Lynn.
The wedding was in Malakwa BC. Unfortunately it rained all weekend.. including the day of the wedding, which was held OUTSIDE. But, Logan still walked down the aisle, carrying the rings tyed to one of his favorite things, a hockey stick! He stood upfront, sans umbrella, for a long time until we locked eyes and he said "I'm done!". He then came and sat on our laps, and when Chris & Robbi kissed he yelled out "He shoots, he SCORES!"
So four weddings in three years. And thankfully, there was no screaming or crying before, during or after any of them. I think we have a professional in our midst. Unfortunately, I think his days are numbered. All of our family members and close friends (who would ask Logan) are married. It was a good run... but now we move on to bigger and better things... potty training.