Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Phoenix Trip

This post is a little late... we went to Phoenix with our kids and my parents at the end of September for a week. We spent the week swimming in the pool, golfing, shopping, visiting family & friends as well as taking in some sites. Here are a couple pictures from the week...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Friday, October 08, 2010

Things Logan is Thankful for...

Logan's new favorite show on TV is Mr. Maker (or Maker Maker as Logan calls it). It's basically 30 minutes of this British, goof ball making different crafts. But, Logan loves it. And so, I have been trying to do more crafts with Logan.

Today's craft was Thanksgiving themed. We were attempting to make Turkey's out of construction paper and jiggly eyes.

This is how Logan's unassisted Turkey turned out...

This is the one we worked on together... turned out only slightly better than Logan's first attempt.

I asked Logan to name 8 things he was thankful for. I don't know if you can read them, but here were his answers (and I didn't prompt him on ANY of them..)
  1. My Trampoline
  2. Hockey Sticks
  3. Duke
  4. Hitmen Games
  5. Dairy Queen
  6. Daddy
  7. My blankies
  8. Grandpa

Note that Katie, Grandma and I didn't make the list. But I bet we were numbers 9, 10 & 11, right Logan?

Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Raiders Team 2010

Another great softball season has come to an end. Both Mark and I really enjoyed playing with the Dalhousie Raiders again this season. Our team finished 4th in our division, with a record of 8-7-1. Mark was named the team's MVP for this year, and John B was voted the player with the best sportsmanship.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Look who's walking.... well, almost.

Sorry the video is so small, and so hard to see.