Seeing as how I've barely blogged all summer long, I figured its time for an update!! Here's what we've been up to all summer long!
We've spent a LOT of time in our own backyard. The kids love our little swimming pool, and have spent many afternoons swimming.
We spent many weekends out at the acreage. There our children/dog can run wild and free. Every time we went out there we had excellent weather and good company.
On one of our acreage trips we drove down the road to the Dog Pound rodeo. The Vanderveen family has been going to the rodeo for several years. It is always a lot of fun and lots of action.
We were also kept very busy this summer with softball. Two years after the disolving of Team Moses our friends once again banned together and formed a new team, Scared Hitless. However, this year they didn't join the Christian league, but instead opted to play in the same beer league that Good Times (another team from our church) also plays in. The competition was much stronger in this league than the CCMS. Scared Hitless won about 1/2 of their games, but still had a lot of fun each Sunday.
A lot of our weekends have been spent with family and friends. The pictures below are from various weekends hanging out with the whole Vanderveen family in my parents backyard. (Most of them from my grandma's birthday).
Our Calaway park passes haven't gotten a ton of use unfortunately. We've been twice, and I still hope to go one or two more times before summer is over. We went early this week with Mark's mom. It was a super hot and busy day. The kids weren't on their best behaviour, but we still had a lot of fun.