Monday, January 16, 2012

Skate with the Hitmen Day

Yesterday was Dodge's Skate with the Hitmen day at the Saddledome. After the Hitmen game fans were invited to stay and skate with the Hitmen on the Saddledome ice. Logan has been looking forward to this game for weeks - and has even started taking skating lessons in preparation. (Every Friday morning at Westside Rec Centre). Mark and Brian took Logan to the game. They enjoyed nachos, ice cream and a win over the 1st place team - the Edmonton Oil Kings. Then they stayed and skated - getting autographs from all of Logan's favorite Hitmen players. This will definetly be an annual event for our family!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I can't decide who's cuter...

Carson vs Penny

Maybe its the lack of sleep, the spit up in my hair... or the 18 hundred POOPY diapers I've had to change today - but right now, my vote's for Penny.

Oh wait... she just peed on my floor.... Carson's back in the lead.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tummy Time

Third times the charm, right? We're learning from the mistakes we made with our first two children.. including the serious lack of tummy time (resulting in slow rollers, crawlers and walkers!) So poor Carson is being subjected to plenty of time on his tummy. It's amazing how strong Carson is already. When on his tummy he's always lifting his head up and looking around him - until he gets sick of it and throws a temper tantrum. (Pictures below - sorry for the bad cell phone quality!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It is so wrong to be jealous of your 4 year old..

It's also wrong that your 4 year old has been to Hawaii as many times, if not MORE times, than you. But, as envious as we are, Mark and I are very thankful to my parents for taking him. It's made our transistion with Carson a lot smoother, and Logan had an AWESOME time!

Lucky for Logan (or more like, lucky for my mom and dad) - he had two friends to play with the entire time - Jordann and Joel.

Logan looooooooves the water! He's not afraid of anything and would probably spend his entire vacation in the water if you let him.

The only thing Logan could possibly love more than the water - spiderman!

I am also very jealous of Logan because he was lucky enough to attend the wedding of one of my closest friends. Rod and Lindsay were married on January 5th on Sherwood beach.

New pictures of Carson coming soon....