Monday, October 23, 2006

Update on married life...

Well, it's been about two and a half months since the "big day" and everyone keeps asking, "So, how's married life?" To be honest... its pretty dang easy. Mark and I have hardly found the time to see each other, yet alone bicker and banter over silly things like squeezing the toothpaste from the middle (which is how all the cool people do it by the way), or someone's annoying habit of leaving ALL the cupboard doors open (cough cough, that's MARK!!)

Mark leaves for work (Wagenaar's Moving) every weekday at 7:30am. He likes it a lot, and is getting to drive more and more. By the time he gets home, I have usually already left to go to work at WestJet. My shifts usually start around 3:00pm-4:30pm and end around 11:30pm-1:00am. I am really enjoying the people there and the job itself; but man do the hours suck!! Hopefully in November when repreferencing comes around I will be able to change to a day shift.

We have pretty much settled in to our new home. Majority of the pictures and curtains are hung and it is starting to feel like home. We are living in a duplex off of 49th Street in Glenbrook. Considering most of my family lives within a five minute walk, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!! (However, it does kind of scare me that Jeff and Laura can see into our kitchen from their living room!)

Although the house is very small, both Mark and I were finding it very lonely when we were home alone without each other. So, we've added another member to our family. Meet Duke. Duke is a Golden Retriever; he is so adorable and we love him to death. And boy is he smart already!! He is only 9.5 weeks old and already he knows how to sit and he barks at the front door to let us know he needs out... but maybe he only seems smart because I'm comparing him to Peeka and Boo. heehee.

So that's what is new here with us. Hopefully I will be pretty faithful at updating this!!

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