Friday, December 08, 2006

We're coming out of the closet!!

So, you all might have been getting sick of posts and pictures of Duke. Up until now, he has been our baby. However, never fear, the end is near! Mark and I are finally coming out of the closet and going public....
We're having a BABY!!

It is still a little early for us to be sharing the news... seeing as how I am only 8 weeks along (and most people wait until at least 12 weeks, if not longer, to share their exciting news)... but I am a horrible secret keeper and am too excited to keep this all to myself. I am due July 18th. (Sorry, no twins. There's just one in there - trust me, I made them double check!!)

It has been a rocky road thus far... lots of trips to the doctor for unexplainable cramping and bleeding, but I have been reassured over and over that everything is fine and that the baby is healthy. Right now all of the books and websites say our baby looks like this:

Now obviously this isn't my baby, let me tell you... the ultrasounds don't look ANYTHING like that!! It's just this tiny blob with a little flickering thing (the heart). Mark and I were pretty unimpressed after seeing Kristina's 4D ultrasound of her 5 month old baby (now that was cool). But nevertheless, we are still both very excited and can't wait until the little one comes along!


Linda Dees said...

I just happened to be on Karen's blog and thought I'd take a peek at yours. CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!!! You must be so excited. We'll be praying for the 3 of you that all may go well and that baby will continue to grow healthy and strong.
Congrats to all the grandparents as well!

Anonymous said...

Dad and I want to add our CONGRATS in a more public way too. It's hard to keep good news a secret. Now we can share your excitement with all our family and friends! Praying for all three of you. Love, Mom

KDees said...

Mandee, you have had a special place in my heart this week as I think about you and your baby. Please know that not only are we excited, we are praying hard that although you are experiencing some troubles, that you all make it through. Just don't stress. God is in control....

Anonymous said...

Congrats, guys! :-)

Anonymous said...

mandee, mark, and duke.....
i of course already knew this, but again....CONGRATS!!! it is so exciting and now I can tell people.....seeing as you sure have over this. ha ha
i wiash you all the best of luck and if you need anything, let me know!