I also had my second prenatal Dr's appointment on Friday. I was very excited because we were going to try to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. However, after 30 minutes of the Dr. trying to find it, she gave up and sent me for an ultrasound just to double check that everything was alright. (Talk about having another heart attack!! This baby is going to make us all stressed out before it even arrives!!) Luckily we got in for an ultrasound that same day and everything was fine. The baby is about 11cm long and had a heart rate of 153 (which the technician assured us was perfectly fine). According to the baby's head size I should be about 17 weeks along... but according to it's body length I'm right on track at 16. (Hopefully the baby's body catches up to it's head!! I don't want it to have a gigantic noggen!!)
This is pretty much what the ultrasound looked like, although our baby was much more compact and "ass over tea-kettle" (as the ultasound technician put it!) We still got to see all of its tiny fingers and toes (they're all there!) its face and its spine (which was so neat to see!) We didn't ask whether or not she could tell the sex of the baby. Mark and I are still arguing over whether or not we want to find out. Mark wants to know, and I don't. But I have to go for another ultrasound in two weeks, so if we're going to find out, we'll have to decide by then. Right now we are both definately hoping it is a boy!
Talk about stressful! My kidney stone this week stressed me out too (did you hear about that?). I think we need a vacation-you and me....Anyways, I'm glad all is well and that you got an extra ultrasound to be sure. It's fun being pregnant with you. Hopefully no more things to stress us out!
hey mands and mark,
wow, how exciting.....
and boy, that kid in the picture sure looks cute!! so it is defintley not your kid!! ha ha, kidding.
you guys are going to have the cutest lil red head!!
hope you are feeling good!
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