Tuesday, November 27, 2007

4 Months

This post is a few days late seeing as how Logan was 4 months on the 21st, but I wanted to wait until yesterday, we went and got Logan's 2nd set of shots done, before I posted anything. Logan didn't handle this set of shots quite as well as the first set. He cried and cried and cried when the nurse gave him the needles. He did however settle down quite quickly afterwards, so we still can't really complain. Mark also had his flu shot done yesterday and I had my measles/mumps/rubella shot done (because apparently, even though I had it done back in 1986, I'm not immune to rubella yet!) The nurse wouldn't give Mark his mumps shot, instead he has to wait until the mass distributing later this month to get it... how inconvenient!

(Logan growing from age 1-4 months)

Logan now weighs 17.5 pounds and is on the 90th percentile for weight, height and head circumference, (so even though he's big, he's at least proportionate!) He still hasn't mastered sitting up or rolling over... but he's getting there. I haven't tried giving him any more baby food since that last video... but the nurse said he looks like he might be ready, so maybe we'll give it another try.

Lastly, I thought I would include a picture of our "new" couch. (New to us at least!) A lot of the stuff in our house came free from family or friends - however most of our free stuff comes from people Mark has moved. Here's a list of stuff Mark has gotten from moves over the past year:

  • Dark Green Sectional (in picture above)
  • White round couch
  • Blue Recliner
  • Blue Gliding Chair (kind of like a rocking chair)
  • BBQ
  • Computer
  • FIVE TV's (of which most work)
  • Filing Cabinet
  • Washing Machine
  • Dryer
  • Upright Freezer
  • Queen Size Bed
  • Dresser
  • Christmas Lights
  • Microwave

And there's probably some stuff I'm missing. Mark and I are ALWAYS up for free stuff (provided its in decent shape.)


KDees said...

Free is good! What an impressive list!!

Anonymous said...

Logan is so adorable! Give him a kiss from Grandma.

Anonymous said...

i love the pictures. they really show how much logan has changed. he is just adorable!
maybe justin should go back to being a mover, so we can get free stuff for our place! ha ha