Thursday, March 13, 2008

Laundry Day

The one thing I hate with a burning passion is LAUNDRY. I absolutely HATE doing the laundry. I dread laundry day. (Which is maybe why it doesnt get done half as often as it should!!) It probably wouldnt be so bad if somebody didnt wear like four different changes of clothes EVERY day! Alright, so I'm exagerating a little bit... but seriously, Mark does have a lot of clothes. He has 11 pairs of jean alone. 11 pairs of JEANS! That doesnt include his khakis, his cords, his dress pants, sweat pants, board shorts, golf shorts, swim shorts or his suit pants. I dont even want to get into all of his tshirts and sweaters that he wears every week... yowzers! I have 4 pairs of jeans. Thats it. Four. And I'm the girl in the family!! I cant even fathom having 11 pairs of jeans. I think Mark makes more laundry than Logan and I combined... and Logan spits, spills, poops and pees on all his clothes! (Well, not so much anymore.) I'm very tempted to make Mark do his own laundry from now on. Washing, drying and folding laundry takes up an entire day.. from dusk to dawn. The picture below is just HALF of the laundry I did yesterday. (I still have two baskets waiting to be folded!!) Anyone know a good, cheap laundry service???


KDees said...

Ha ha! We were just talking about that - how many pairs of jeans Mark has....well, I'm sorry to say Mandee that I have at least that many, plus all those "extras" too....but that's my obsession with Value Village and the SA for you. Cheap jeans! I don't mind laundry, even the folding, but I hate putting the clothes away.....anyways, great post! See you on the weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Mark's pile of laundry was always the biggest one in the house when he was growing up too - some things don't change I guess!!! You have my sympathies.