Friday, November 27, 2009

Six Months

I took Katie for her 6 month immunizations yesterday. She now weighs 16 pounds! We go for her 6 month check up with our family doctor in two weeks, so I'll know then what percentile she is in and how tall she is.

We've recently started putting Katie in her excersaucer. She loves it! And so does Logan!

And Logan started sleeping in his big boy bed as of yesterday. It's going to be a bit of a learning curve.... Logan has to learn he can't get out of bed whenever he wants to. But, so far I think he's had a total of only 5 spankings, so I think he should have it figured out pretty soon!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Pick Up

This morning I took Logan down to the elementary school to see the Operation Christmas Child shoe box pick up. It was really neat! Three ambulances and a couple police cars all came driving up onto the field with their lights and sirens going and then the main attraction, both Stars and Hawks helicopters came and landed on the school field.

We watched the helicopters arrive from the alley between the two campuses, which worked out really well because both helicopters flew RIGHT above us!

Then we walked over and got a closer look. The kids got to take pictures with both choppers and the ambulances.

The pilot from the Hawks Helicopted let Logan climb up and sit inside. The pilot loved Logan's jacket and asked if we had a future pilot on our hands!

It was total mayham down there though! There were kids running EVERYWHERE! I had to watch Logan like a hawk - otherwise he'd be gone in a second! He loved it! He loved chasing all the kids and cried all the way home "No! Lolo go to gool!" (Gool = School).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For Grandpa...

  • Apparently Logan doesnt think "BIg Baba" is nice, he refused to sit still and hold the "He's Nice" sign... I guess he's standing firm in his believe that Grandpa's BIG & UGLY!
  • AND, to be fair, Justin & Tyler thought their Big & Ugly signs said "Hi Grandpa".

Logan's Hair Cut



Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Apples!

This year for Halloween, Logan was a skunk (quite appropriate for our little stinker) and Katie was a hot dog. And of course Duke was also dressed up in his usual Superman costume. All the kids get a kick out of Duke's costume and we always get soooooo many compliments on it.
This year was by far the most fun Trick or Treating with Logan. He actually understood what was happening and had a lot of fun doing it! He did really well in the beginning running from door to door with his cousins (Brett - Batman, Justin - a monkey and Tyler - a lion).
He did all of our new cul-de-sac, my grandpa and grandma's street, 49th street and half of Glenpatrick... But on Glenpatrick we came across "the Monster house" (as the Mol boys call it). The "Monster House" goes all out on Halloween with tons of decorations, strobe lights and scary sound effects... well, this scared the crap out of Logan! And from then on all we heard was "Go home! Go baba mama's house! all done!" So we quickly finished a couple last houses of people we knew then came home (well, to my mom and dad's cause Mark and I are now homeless). Logan dove right into his candy bag and enjoyed his haul.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Goodbye Duplex....

Today we moved out of our first home. Mom and dad bought the duplex on 49th Street in February of 2006. They were going to rent it out, but instead "sold it" to Mark & I. With the help of a LOT of people we slowly fixed it up and moved in August of 2006.

We lived here for three years (and it took us three years to get some of the projects done... infact... some still didn't get done.) I thought I would post some before and after pictures of our first home.... (all the before pictures were taken when Dad went to look at the house before buying... so none of the junk is ours.)


The previous owners had thought yellow, blue and orange would be WONDERFUL kitchen colors... well... that just wasn't Mark and I's cup of tea. So we painted the cabinets white. We installed a new counter top and a dish washer. We bought a new sink and faucet, microwave and stove. We took out the old, weird pantry, moved the fridge there and had another cabinet installed for our dishes. We also took out the lino and Mark layed ceramic tile. We just put up the tile backsplash this September. The only thing that never got done in the kitchen was the cabinet beside the dishwasher.

Eating Area
Again, the previous owners loved yellow, orange and blue. So we repainted. We replaced the old light with a new fixture. And put a "decorative" cap on the half wall.

Living Room

The living room had its own unique "style" when we moved in. It was painted blue with a dark strip across the wall. The floor had parkay flooring on it, however, it wasn't finished all around the edges. We ripped that up and put carpet down. We also removed an old wood burning stove/fire place that was in the corner and had to repair the joist the previous owners had cut in order to install it. We placed potlights in the ceiling and again, we put the cap on the half wall. (These are pictures from when we first moved in... I never took pictures of the living room once we had kids... it was always too crowded with toys).

We took down the wallpaper that was in the bathroom and painted the walls and the vanity. We replaced the medicine cabinet and toilet seat (although we reeeeeeeeeally liked the wood one :P) We replaced the tub and shower doors with a new tub and surround. We also did ceramic tile on the floor and around the surround. We installed a light in the shower to add more light. The only thing that never got done was the counter top in the bathroom (although it is still sitting in the basement.)


We never took before or after pictures of the bedrooms. All we really did in them were paint and add potlights.


And I wish we had taken before and after pictures of the outside of the house. In the front yard were two HUGE spruce trees. We took those out the first year Mark & I lived there. It added a lot of light into the living room, which we LOVED! We also took out a small tree and a hedge from the side of the house to put up our fence (there had never been a fence around the house before). We built a small deck on the back of the house (now with a rail Mark just finished building last week) and a large deck on the side of the house. The backyard was just a big hill, so we put in a retaining wall and steps and terreced it all. (I blogged about all of this way back when as we were doing it, so you can check out pictures there.)

We put a lot of elbow grease and sweat equity into this place. (But don't get me wrong, there's still a LOT that could be done!) And now... and now we have to start all over again with the new house. Auuuuuuuuuugh! But now we know how to do a lot of the work ourselves and know that in the end, its all worth it! I don't want to get all corny and mushy... but its kind of bitter sweet. I'm happy and excited to be moving to a new house - a bigger house! But I'm sad to be leaving at the same time too. This was Mark and I's first house as a married couple (the only place we've lived together) and its Logan's and Katie's first house too. (Not that they'll remember it at all). Oh well..... back to square one.

We don't get posession of our new place until Monday. And then we're going to take about a week to do most of the major renovations (painting and flooring) before moving in. So for now we will be living at my parents' place. (Six people and three dogs all under one roof... this should be fun!)

Monday, October 26, 2009

5 Months

Wow... five months. This last month just FLEW by! We've been very busy this past month, and will be even busier next! I haven't noticed a lot of changes in Katie at all in the past month. She's of course growing bigger... but she hasn't reached any new "milestones". She still doesn't roll, she rarely giggles and we're still getting up twice a night to feed (which has regressed since she was three months!) One thing thats changing right now is we're trying to cut out her third nap (she used to have an hour nap at around 4:30). With this nap it was a struggle getting her to go to bed anytime before 9-10pm. So we're trying to take it out so she'll happily go to sleep at 8pm.

I did take Katie to see the pediatrician about her large head. (My family doctor had been concerned about how fast Katie's head is growing in compared to the rest of her... she was at the 75% for weight and height and her head was at the 99%.) But the pediatrician wasn't concerned at all. She was very happy with how Katie is growing and developing.

One of Katie's new favorite things it do is stick her tongue out and "spit". (Like a zooda kind of...) She loves it when someone does it first, then she copies them. (As you can see from the picture, it adds to all the drooly laundry I already have to do!)

Logan at 27 months and Katie at 5 months

(not very photogenic today)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Katie's Room

I meant to do up a post about Katie's bedroom a while ago, but sort of kept putting it off. But now that we're moving in two weeks (TWO WEEKS!!!!) I figured I should get this posted before I start taking everything down off the walls and packed into boxes.

I think one of my favorite things in her room is the "My Brother Did It" sign above her crib.

We're borrowing the crib & change table from my Uncle Jeff & Auntie Laura. However, they have a new baby on the way too, so we wont be bringing these with us to our new house. We'll move Katie into Logan's crib and Logan into a "big boy" bed.

This is an old dresser Mark got for free from a customer before we were married. Mom and I painted it white and added some new hardware just before Katie was born.

Jessiya cross stiched this for Katie. She also did one for Logan when he was born.
So this is what Katie's room currently looks like.... once we're all moved into the new place I'll slowly post pictures of all the new rooms once they're completed.

Thursday, October 08, 2009


(Ok... so Logan didn't actually break open his piggy bank with the hammer. In reality he knocked it off the dresser and it hit the floor, breaking into a bunch of pieces. But for picture sake I thought the hammer was a nice touch.)