Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Apples!

This year for Halloween, Logan was a skunk (quite appropriate for our little stinker) and Katie was a hot dog. And of course Duke was also dressed up in his usual Superman costume. All the kids get a kick out of Duke's costume and we always get soooooo many compliments on it.
This year was by far the most fun Trick or Treating with Logan. He actually understood what was happening and had a lot of fun doing it! He did really well in the beginning running from door to door with his cousins (Brett - Batman, Justin - a monkey and Tyler - a lion).
He did all of our new cul-de-sac, my grandpa and grandma's street, 49th street and half of Glenpatrick... But on Glenpatrick we came across "the Monster house" (as the Mol boys call it). The "Monster House" goes all out on Halloween with tons of decorations, strobe lights and scary sound effects... well, this scared the crap out of Logan! And from then on all we heard was "Go home! Go baba mama's house! all done!" So we quickly finished a couple last houses of people we knew then came home (well, to my mom and dad's cause Mark and I are now homeless). Logan dove right into his candy bag and enjoyed his haul.

1 comment:

KDees said...

GREAT costumes! The skunk one is quite appropriate, but I think it would for any 2 year old!! We had a fun night out of trick or treating too. Check out our blog for photos. I also commented in your previous post too about your house, in case you don't see that! Hope all is well in the house with 6 people and 3 dogs!