Wow! The past month has just flown by! I can't believe Katie is already one month old! Our lives have really changed since having Katie. I never expected life to be so much more work with two kids than it was with one (Karen, you made it look so easy!!!!) It is so much harder to get up and go places. I change twice as many diapers a day. I have two screaming children. And have you ever tried grocery shopping with a soon-to-be two year old who doesn't listen worth a whoot and tries to run away at every chance he gets and a tiny baby??? It's not so much fun!! But.... its all definately worth it.
Katie, although you are quite high maintenance at the moment, we love you so much. And don't worry, despite all my threats, we won't ever return you, give you away to Auntie Kelly or sell you on ebay.
In the last week Katie has started smiling (although these are still very rare at this point... I've tried catching them on film and have had no success.) And today she started "talking". I can see already that we're going to have to invest in a better phone plan when this one's older.
The first months are the hardest. Keep up the good work - your kids are your greatest treasure!!
Oh, I don't think I ever said it was easy, and I definitely had my days too! (I still do and many more to come, I'm sure!) You're a great mom, Mandee and your kids are too cute for words! Each day will get a bit easier as Logan adjusts and Katie isn't so needy anymore! You're doing awesome! :)
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