The first pen we went in were the goats. The goats came running up to us and I expected Logan to bolt and start crying. But, he didn't mind the goats. He actually even gave one a hug.

He was pretty timid of the sheep, his favorite sheep was the one who had crawled inside the food bin and got stuck.

He did LOVE the bunnies and the baby chicks.

He wanted nothing to do with either the cows or the horses.

He did get a little antsy at times and said "LoLo scared!" and would stand by the gates wanting out... but overall I'd say he did fairly well.
One of Logan's favorite things of the day was this Big Ol' green tractor. He loved to "drive it".

At the end Logan went on a pony ride. I was worried he would be freaked out about the horse ride, but it went much better than expected!