Thursday, May 06, 2010

Proof of Progress

As you can see we're finally making progress! Katie is slowly learning how to roll over. About time too! We have been meeting with Mrs. Enns (a friend of the Wiens family) once a week to work on Katie's mobility. Helen is a physiotherapist for small children and she volunteered to work with us to help with Katie while we wait to hea from the Children's Hospital physio team. It's only been two weeks, but man have we seen a huge improvement already! Katie is much more content playing and laying on her stomach and has pretty much mastered rolling from her tummy to her back and is slowly, but surely, learning how to roll from her back to her tummy.


mom wiens said...

I'm SO PROUD of Katie and of you guys! Keep up the good work!

siya said...

awesome job katie!!!