Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Once again, a belated birthday..

Man! Am I ever bad at keeping this blog current lately!! Thank you to everyone for reminding me and encouraging me to update, otherwise it may never happen!

Katie had a birthday. A long time ago already. I'm a bad mom. She was very, very excited to turn four. Katie is very, very big into Disney Princesses right now. She is ALWAYS running around the house in either a Rapunzel dress, Sleeping Beauty Dress, Merida (Brave) dress or her newly acquired Belle dress. She cries often because I refuse to let her leave the house in them. She also sobs her eyes out every time Logan decides to tease her by telling her she's not a real princess.

The week of her birthday she decided that Ariel was her favorite that week. So she insisted on having an Ariel cake for her birthday. She also insisted that she get to eat Ariel's boobies. She's an odd child. Cute, but odd :)


mom wiens said...

Katie is our delightful little princess!!! We love you sweetie.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, I laughed out loud at the boobies part!
did she think that piece was going to be more juicy? lol!!!