"Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart; Why are we here and where do we go and how come it's so hard? It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving. I'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together!" - Jack Johnson
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Lethbridge Lodge
Mark and I got here a day later than everyone else... I had to work Thursday night from 3:00pm-11:30pm and then again Friday morning from 5:00am-1:30pm. So we drove down as soon as I was done (needless to say I slept all the way here!!) Once we got here we went for dinner with my family and the Brandses to the Cheesecake Cafe and then a quick dip in the pool. (Where Mark took down both Kyle and Ryan at the same time!) Then Mark and I called it a night after falling asleep watching TV.
The inital plan was to open presents late tonight, but due to an unfortunate closing of the pool (someone decided to leave a nasty little Christmas present in the pool), we opened them this afternoon. Mark and I both got new sweaters and movie passes from Grandpa and Grandma. Then after all the cousins had opened their presents the adults did the gift exchange. Mark ended up bringing home the same gift he brought, a box of golf balls... and I got a new cake dish FULL of my mommy's Mars Squares. Yum Yum!! The most popular gift was probably the giganitc tool set Grandpa brought or the bottle of Baja Tango. The least popular gift definately had to be the man thongs my dad brought!!
After all the presents were unwrapped and the yummy snacks eaten, everyone sort of broke up for a while and did their own thing. Mom, Robyn, Rachel, Jamie and Kaitlyn went and saw Charlotte's Web... most of the guys had naps or watched TV... and Mark and I went to the Wooden Shoe (the Dutch Store) so I could load up on dropies! Now a bunch of the younger kids are back in the pool (which they loaded up with chemicals and re-opened) and the men are watching the Flames play San Jose.
We were having a hard time trying to find someone to watch Duke for us... so we ended up just taking him along. And he has been SO good!! He loves playing with all the kids, and our room is perfect for him!! He goes out onto the patio and watches all of the kids play in the pool. He even gets his own bed!!
Tomorrow morning we are going for the usual Christmas Brunch Buffet then packing up and going home. I will have to post pictures from the weekend when we get home.. as no one brought their computer cords for their camera, and Mark and I forgot our camera!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Bad Dog!!
Apparently, Duke had decided that he didn't like the hibiscus plant and wanted to destroy it entirely. This is what was left of our dear friend....
Mark was very, very, very furious and it took him quite a lot of time and effort to get it all cleaned up.
Needless to say, Duke was severely punished and disciplined and will be locked up from now on while we're away... atleast until he makes friends with the other plants!
The culprit... who is very mopey now.
Friday, December 08, 2006
We're coming out of the closet!!
It is still a little early for us to be sharing the news... seeing as how I am only 8 weeks along (and most people wait until at least 12 weeks, if not longer, to share their exciting news)... but I am a horrible secret keeper and am too excited to keep this all to myself. I am due July 18th. (Sorry, no twins. There's just one in there - trust me, I made them double check!!)
It has been a rocky road thus far... lots of trips to the doctor for unexplainable cramping and bleeding, but I have been reassured over and over that everything is fine and that the baby is healthy. Right now all of the books and websites say our baby looks like this:
Now obviously this isn't my baby, let me tell you... the ultrasounds don't look ANYTHING like that!! It's just this tiny blob with a little flickering thing (the heart). Mark and I were pretty unimpressed after seeing Kristina's 4D ultrasound of her 5 month old baby (now that was cool). But nevertheless, we are still both very excited and can't wait until the little one comes along!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Yay! Christmas Tree!!
We FINALLY got to put up our Christmas Tree!! I've been looking forward to this since the beginning of November, but Mark made me wait until it was December to pull it out. I am so proud of it!! We went with a cranberry red and silver theme (to match our house) and have all white lights. Now we just need to pull out the rest of the decorations (Mark's mom gave us a bunch of her old ones to sort through) and put up the Christmas Lights on the outside of the house.
Duke isn't as interested in the Christmas Tree as I thought he would be. When we initally took it out of the box he sniffed it a bunch of times and tried to eat the box... but now that its up and decorated he couldn't be bothered to go near it. Which is a relief! I had nightmares of him pulling the whole tree down. Now we'll just have to wait and see how he reacts to all the presents Mark is buying me (heehee) under the tree.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Fun for Duke too!
Couples Evening
Monday, November 20, 2006
Saturday morning, Mark, Justin, Jessiya and I got up super early to head up to Edmonton. The first part of the day was spent at the Water Park in West Edmonton Mall. I had never been to the waterpark before, so I was super excited. We went on a ton of slides and had fun in the waves... until everyone in the entire park started hating me! (The lifegaurd had to temporarily shut down the slide while bandaging my bleeding ankle, so everyone in line was getting pretty impatient and ticked off with me! And then another lifeguard had to come help, so he shut down his slide too! Oops!!) We stayed in the park until we were so hungry we couldn't take it anymore.
We went out into the mall and grabbed some lunch in the food court. We walked around the mall and went Christmas shopping. Justin and Jessiya were much more successful than Mark and I were. The only thing I bought was a bag full of dropies!! (Oh, and a Beauty and the Beast night light for Robyn... but that wasn't for Christmas, I already gave that to her.) Mark bought a Christmas present for himself, a CD, "Ten Second Epic". If I had known we could buy our own Christmas presents I'd be wearing the coolest Abercrombie & Finch hoodie right now!! HeeHee.
We headed over to our hotel, The Holiday Inn; The Palace. It wasn't as fancy as you'd expect from a hotel with a name like "The Palace"... but it was still really nice. The rooms were big and clean and there were hot tubs and a fitness room that kept Mark and Justin occupied. (No, they weren't working out... they were turning the treadmill up full speed and dropping their shoes onto it, seeing if they could make them hit the wall behind the machine.) The only negative thing about the hotel was the Zellar's Christmas Party that was taking place directly below our room. The music rocked us all, but Jessiya to sleep.... she had to rely on homemade ear plugs made from toilet paper to fall asleep.
Sunday morning we checked out of our hotel and headed over to King's to visit Robyn. Justin met up with his new pal, Tanya, and they played vids for a bit while the rest of us hung out in Byn's room. We did manage to briefly meet Brian, Robyn's boyfriend... but I think he was a little confused as to who we all were. After we all went to BP's and had lunch, caught up with Robyn and then headed home.What a busy and tiring weekend, but lots of fun!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
"Everyone we know is just giving out Candy???"
Wow, our first Halloween together as a "family"!! When Mark got home from work we dove right into the Halloween spirit. After sitting on the kitchen counter for two weeks, our rather large pumpkin finally got carved. Man, I really don't remember pumpkins being so much work!! My mom or dad must have always done the hard part of scrapping out the pumpkin guts, luckily Mark was here to do that part!! After some sweat and tears our pumpkin was successfully carved to Mark's scary-standards and we were both pretty dang proud of it. (However, both Mark and I agreed that when we have kids they'll have to go to Grandpa and Grandma's to carve pumpkins.. there is no way we're doing that again!! What a nasty job!!)
Duke however was not a big fan of Halloween. He hated his Halloween costume!! Everytime I dressed him up in his cute Kitty costume he would just lie there and mope with big, sad, puppy-dog eyes. He did however love it when all the kids would come to the door. He got several compliments on how cute he was and he even managed to sneak out of the house a time or two.
After only about 20-25 kids we are still left with a HORRENDOUS amount of candy and chocolate. What a shame. What are we ever going to do with so much candy?? Now with Halloween behind us it's time to look forward to Christmas!!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
We got dumped on!

Monday, October 23, 2006
Update on married life...
We have pretty much settled in to our new home. Majority of the pictures and curtains are hung and it is starting to feel like home. We are living in a duplex off of 49th Street in Glenbrook. Considering most of my family lives within a five minute walk, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!! (However, it does kind of scare me that Jeff and Laura can see into our kitchen from their living room!)
Although the house is very small, both Mark and I were finding it very lonely when we were home alone without each other. So, we've added another member to our family. Meet Duke. Duke is a Golden Retriever; he is so adorable and we love him to death. And boy is he smart already!! He is only 9.5 weeks old and already he knows how to sit and he barks at the front door to let us know he needs out... but maybe he only seems smart because I'm comparing him to Peeka and Boo. heehee.
So that's what is new here with us. Hopefully I will be pretty faithful at updating this!!