Sunday, October 14, 2007

Randoms from this week

I put Logan in his Excersaucer for the first time this week. Although he really doesn't do much, he seems to really like it! After a while though he tends to get tired from holding his big, fat head up, so we put Mickey Mouse in with him for support. He's slowly learning to reach out and grab the toys.

Yesterday Robyn was playing at Mount Royal, so we went to cheer her on. Logan screamed through the first set and then fell asleep on Lindsay's lap. I guess he's not much of a volleyball fan yet... but that will change!

Since it was so nice and warm out today (like 16 degrees!!) we took Duke for a walk at Edworthy Park. Again, Duke went psycho and ran nonstop! But this time he listened much better and actually came when called. I don't think its that he's trying to run away from us, I just think he's too stupid to remember which way we were going... he normally get's confused and starts following the wrong people. Logan sat happily in the stroller the whole time and said "hi" to lots of puppies.


Anonymous said...

I love Logan's sweater and hat set! He's grown so much over the last month.

KDees said...

I love the hat and sweater too! So cute! And, yes, we've found a new trailer that we want-we get a wicked deal if we buy it from the states (that's half the reason we went to Great Falls last weekend), so we'll be pulling that home soon. If you guys want our trailer, we'll give you a good deal and otherwise, if you know of anyone who wants it, tell them to check out our blog!