Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Logan's new head wear

Logan made this little number at preschool the other day - nice face Logan!

They were learning about the very first Thanksgiving and how the pilgrims asked the Indians to come and join them for a feast - at least thats what we can gather from the bits and pieces Logan tells us. Logan is LOVING preschool. I was worried he would become bored with it after the first two or three weeks, but no.... every single morning he comes running into our room and asks "Do I have school TODAY?!?!" Now I regret putting him in only two days a week, rather than 3! Every time I pick him up from school I ask him, "What did you learn/do today?" And I usually get the same answer "Uhh... I don't member". But slowly throughout the week bits and pieces come out. He tells us random bits of information that Mark and I can only assume he learnt at school. He sings new songs neither Mark or I have ever heard before (that again, must be from school, that or this kid is a musical genius!) He tells us funny stories about what his new friends Theo or Jacob did that day, and how Esther got in trouble. Oh, and he ALWAYS is sure to tell me what the other kids had for snack and how he wants the same thing next time!

This is Logan's new FAVORITE piece of head wear... his dirt bike helmet!!

Mark bought an incredibly old and geeky looking dirty bike off of someone he moved a couple of weeks ago. It's like a 1977 yamaha two stroke something or other... very lame if you ask me. But if you ask Mark, its the coolest thing ever! (I'll be sure to take pictures on Saturday when we're at the acreage for Thanksgiving). Since Mark sold all of his dirt biking stuff a couple of years ago he began scouring kijiji for a used helmet. Nothing too fancy or expensive as the bike was practically free and will be used mainly for just putting around the acreage. He found one online that looked like a good deal, so we all jumped in the car and accompanied him to go see it. Good thing we all decided to go, because the seller also had some kid helmets they were looking to get ride of at the same time. So Logan was lucky enough to come home with this awesome fox helmet - now all he needs is the bike/quad!! :)

1 comment:

mom wiens said...

Logan is definitely all boy!! I love it that he is enjoying preschool, although I'm not surprised. I bet Katie enjoys the alone time with Mom on those mornings too.