Saturday, March 03, 2012

2 Months (plus a few days/weeks)

This is a week or two late... again! But at least this time the picture was actually taken right when Carson was 2 months... I've just been too busy to blog it!!

Last Friday, at Carson's immunizations, he weighed 11.9 pounds (50th percentile) and measured only 21.75 inches (25th percentile). We went yesterday for a follow up chest xray (for his enlarged thymus) and will get those results next Friday when we see our family doctor again. I'm not worried at all though, Carson seems to be doing great. His breathing has really slowed down, he's happy and growing like a weed. He gives the greatest smiles and coos up a storm. We start seeing the pediatrician early April.

1 comment:

mom wiens said...

Precious, precious little boy!!!