Thursday, March 15, 2012

No news is good news

Just a quick update on Carson...
Last Friday we had another follow up appointment with our family doctor. I expressed my concerns that Carson wasn't growing much. He still fits in almost all of the same clothes as when he was first born. He's only outgrown maybe 2 or 3 sleepers. She quickly assured me however that he is in fact growing - rapidly! He now weighed 13.6 pounds and jumped another percentile - this time from the 50th percentile to the 75th. His most recent chest xray also showed his thymus to be shrinking in size (which is a good thing!). We have to go for some more blood work at the end of the month, and then we see the pediatrician at the beginning of April.
Carson has started sleeping longer periods through the night. The longest stretch he has gone is 7.5 hours (which was heavenly!) but usually goes between 4-5 hours. He is smiling and cooing up a storm. He may not have the red hair, but he sure has the red headed temper. Man does this kid have a short fuse! He can go from being perfectly happy to crying/screaming bloody murder in a split second - no gradual build up from a small fuss. He looooooves watching Duke and the kids, and HATES his soother (which makes me very sad as soother babies are soo easy!) He throws hissy fits when you put him in his car seat, but loves car rides. Such a fickle child. He's not as easy of a baby as Logan was, but he's not near as evil as Katie was.


Unknown said...

When will you add Carson to the "line up " between Katie and Duke? Glad to hear that he is doing well. Auntie Dorothy

J and J Rider said...

Love the picture! And so glad that Carson is doing well!