We just got back from Carson's first check up with the pediatrician. (FINALLY!) She was very happy with Carson and how well he is doing. He weighs 16.5 pounds and is between the 75th and 90th percentile for weight. For height he is on the 50th percentile, and his head is on the 75th percentile. His latest chest xray (taken just before we left for Hawaii) showed his thymus to be shrinking in size and his upper right lung still partially collapsed. Dr, Jackson looked at the xrays herself and she isn't concerned about the lung at all. She says it was so hard to see on the xray that if they weren't already looking for it, they'd never know - plus his lungs sound nice and clear. Dr. Jackson still wants to stick to the oncologist's plan of follow up chest xrays and blood work. However, instead of monthly she feels comfortable doing them every 6-8 weeks.
Personality wise, Carson is a very happy little boy (for the most part). He can still throw a temper tantrum, but those are usually fixed with either a diaper change, nap or feeding. By far his favorite activity is chewing on his hands. He is a fountain of drool (no sign of teeth yet however). He's very good with his hands and can grab toys with no problem and instantly put them in his mouth. When we got home from Hawaii we pulled out the exsersaucer for him. He's still not 100% sure what he's supposed to do in it, and usually just ends up sucking on the edge of the seat. But as long as he's stiting upright, he's happy. He always wants to see what's going on and be part of the action. Sleep wise... Carson is a great napper. Everyday he has a morning and afternoon nap usually for 2 hours each. Somedays when he's a bit more tired he will still sneak in a half hour-45 minute nap around dinner. Over night... over night... oh Carson, you're lucky mommy loves you. Over night we are still going only 3-4 hours. We occaisionally have a night where Carson will sleep 7 hours, but those are very few and far between.
1 comment:
Carson is definitely "a keeper"!!! I'm so glad the doctor gave him a good report. As for Mommy getting a full night's sleep....it will happen eventually :)!!
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