Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Return of the Soo Soo Berry

Its time once again for a visit from the Soo Soo Berry. Even though both Katie and Logan were the same age when we said good bye to their soothers, Katie seems so much bigger/older and I can't believe we let her keep it this long!

Every night when we check on Katie before we go to sleep she has her soother in her mouth (where as Logan had barely used his at the end - maybe only when he was hurt or upset). We were a bit worried about how Katie would handle the visit from the Soo Soo Berry. But thankfully Logan was a great helper and got Katie all excited for her "getprize".

Mark helped Katie hang her soothers in the tree for the fairy to come and get them and then bring them to new babies who need them. (Just a heads up to the Bouwman and Brandsma babies - Katie may try to take back "her" soothers when you're born.) The kids then went inside and camped out infront of the window waiting for the Soo Soo Berry to show up. Mark had to explain that she is very shy and wouldn't come until no one was looking. So we distracted them with a bath.

And sure enough, after their bath the Soo Soo Berry had come and gone - the only evidence of her was the "getprize" left hanging in the tree. (You dont even understand how badly I wanted to dress Mark up in Katie's fairy wing costume and take his picture. haha)

Katie was thrilled with her new stuffed tiger. That soother fairy is one smart cookie. She must have known about the on going war in our house over the white siberian tiger stuffy Logan recently got. Now the two kids play peacefully together with their tigers, Namaste (named after the white siberian tiger in Hilo) and Kimberly (named after the pink retro power ranger).


mom wiens said...

Your "Soo Soo Berry" is indeed very clever! And Katie is a delightful, growing up three-year old. Happy Birthday, dear granddaughter!

Kelly said...

Congratulations Katie! You're such a big girl! Love you sweetie!

J and J Rider said...

Great idea - I just love it!!

Niki said...

I'll make sure to thank Katie for the donation when the baby comes! So sweet!