Friday, May 30, 2008

Ten Months

This past month has been HUGE for Logan. He has learnt so much in such a short time. He can now sit up on his own, he can wave bye-bye, he can give kisses, stick out his tongue on command (Mark's favorite "trick") and last but not least, CRAWL! Crawling just started this week. He now motors around the house. Poor Duke is no longer safe - there's no escaping the Logan Monster.

To go with his new big boy attitude, Logan needed the big boy look. This morning I took him to get his first hair cut. He did so good!! He sat very happily in the chair while the hairdresser cut his hair. He didnt mind the scissors or the razor even. He just played with the steering wheel attached to the seat and watched Blue's Clues. (Logan is quite obsessed with the TV nowadays. His favorite is The Big Comfy Couch - he just loves Lunette!) He got quite a bit of hair cut off. He no longer looks like my little baby - he's getting to be such a big boy!!

Below is a video of Logan crawling around the living room floor. Here he is going after Duke's ball - he loves balls and keys - oh, and the VCR (he just wont leave it alone! He's always sticking his hands in the video slot.)

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hawaii - Day 8 - Sunshine!

Mom took some pictures on her and Logan's walk this morning. Every morning they walk down Kalakaua along the beach, around the zoo, past Diamond Head and back on Kuhio. They also stop every morning to feed the birdies. This morning was the ducks' turn.

Yet another morning at the beach. While Logan was napping back at the hotel with me, mom and Robyn went paddling on an outrigger. They went for a 45 minute ride, just them two and three of the instructors.

This time we took Logan's airplane along with us rather than his kiddie pool. He was having a blast floating in the ocean until he got a mouth full of salt water from a passing wave... then he went into a hissy fit.

He was rather cranky today, so we didnt stay at the beach long. Instead we headed back to the hotel and sat up by the pool. Again, Logan was hard to keep entertained, so I resorted to rough-housing - which he always loves.

After dinner (back to PF Changs) we walked through the International Market (yet again). One thing we have learnt is to not stay in one place for too long. If we linger it gives all the little asian ladies time to swarm Logan giving him kisses, pinching his chubby little arms and one lady even went as far today as to bite his feet!!

Logan has learnt a new trick today. When I went to grab him from his crib after his nap he was sitting up waiting for me. He can finally sit up on his own. He has done it atleast 5 more times today. Yay!!!

Hawaii - Day 7 - Routine

Today was another typical day here in Waikiki. After mom and Logan's walk and we all had breakfast, mom and Robyn headed down to the beach while Logan napped. There is practically NO ONE at the beach as early as they are. Once Logan woke up, we joined them at the beach until lunch time. Logan had a blast playing in the sand and then swimming in the ocean.

After a bite to eat at Burger King we headed up to the pool. Logan and I saw for about half an hour, and then mom took him down to the room for his afternoon nap. Robyn and I stayed up on the roof and read around the pool.

(The view from the pool - Robyn was playing with the color settings on her camera)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hawaii - Day 6 - Crab!

Logan slept in until about 7am this morning. He and mom then went for a long walk, we had breakfast in the room and then mom and Robyn headed off to the beach while Logan napped in the room. I waited for him to nap for 2 good hours. Logan woke up nice and happy, so we headed off to the beach as well.

Tonight we went to the Oceanarium in the Pacific Beach Hotel for a king crab buffet. We were lucky enough to get a table right along the aquarium. The food was amazing and it is always fun to watch them feed all the different fish.

We had hoped Logan would be entertained by all of the fish and the diver feeding them - however, he was more entertained by the little asian girl sitting at the next table over. He was enamoured with her.

Robyn, mom and I were more entertained by the skinny, blonde chick sitting next to us. She had plate, after plate FULL of crab legs. We were shocked by how much crab she ate, but even more at the speed she ate them. She devoured those things! (and made a DISASTER while doing so!) After like 4 plates of crab, she returned to the buffet for dessert (a plate full of chocolate fondue - which she also ate very messily) and then after that, MORE CRAB!! Needless to say, we couldn't keep out eyes off of her.

(I love hoe her boyfriend totally knows we're only pretending to take Logan's picture and are really snapping their photo! hahahaha way to be conspicuous mom!!)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Hawaii - Day 5 - Sand Monster

Today was a normal beach day. We woke up early (courtesy of Mr. Logan), were at the beach by 8:30, then sat at the pool in the afternoon. Logan discovered sand for the first time today - he loved to play with it - and even tried eating it several times.

This time we were very careful not to burn. I slathered on a lot of sunscreen with a much higher SPF, sat in the shade and wore a tshirt the entire time we were at the beach. Logan HATES it when we slather him up with sunscreen.

Tonight we went to Duke's for dinner. We celebrated Robyn's 20th birthday (which was on Wednesday, but we were traveling that day.) We then walked through the International Market Place and down Kalakua to watch all the street performers again.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Logan discovers sand

Hawaii - Days 3 & 4 - Shopping!

Robyn and I are so sunburnt it hurts to be in the sun - yet alone sit out on the beach all day. So these past two days we avoided the sunshine (as crazy as it sounds seeing as how we came all the way to Hawaii just for it!) and went shopping instead. And man did we SHOP!! Two whole days of shopping. Poor Logan was stuck in the stroller the whole time - but Auntie Robyn did her best to entertain him.

At the end of two days of shopping, we all ended up with a lot of good finds. Logan, however, was the most spoiled! He got a HAUL of new stuff! Especially today at the outlet mall. The Children's Place had a 99 cent rack - so we went CRAZY!! Below is a picture of everything Logan got so on this trip thus far. (Don't worry Mark, we didnt buy the pink hat!)

Tonight was Spam Jam on Kalakua Ave. Spam is a pretty big thing down here. So they shut down the entire street and had different spam foods (like spamghetti) spam vendors (selling tshirts, keychains etc) and a couple of live spam-inspired bands.

After walking though Spam Jam we went to Pf Chang's for dinner and then walked further down Kalakua watching the different street performers. Thats where we met ELMO!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Hawaii - Day 2 - HOT!!

We had an early start to the day as Logan was awake chatting up a storm in his crib at 4am. We managed to keep him happy until 6am when mom and I then got up and took him for a walk. We walked down the beach and around the zoo - where we stopped to feed some birds.

We headed down to the beach at 8. We stayed until we were so hot and sun burnt we couldnt take it anymore. We then headed to the pool for a bit while Logan and mom napped.

We had an early supper at the Cheesecake Factory and are now back in our hotel room about to watch Survivor.