Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hawaii - Day 7 - Routine

Today was another typical day here in Waikiki. After mom and Logan's walk and we all had breakfast, mom and Robyn headed down to the beach while Logan napped. There is practically NO ONE at the beach as early as they are. Once Logan woke up, we joined them at the beach until lunch time. Logan had a blast playing in the sand and then swimming in the ocean.

After a bite to eat at Burger King we headed up to the pool. Logan and I saw for about half an hour, and then mom took him down to the room for his afternoon nap. Robyn and I stayed up on the roof and read around the pool.

(The view from the pool - Robyn was playing with the color settings on her camera)


Anonymous said...

I love pictures 2 and 3! Logan is beginning to look like a little surfer dude!

Anonymous said...

the fohawk is so cute!!!!