Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hawaii - Days 3 & 4 - Shopping!

Robyn and I are so sunburnt it hurts to be in the sun - yet alone sit out on the beach all day. So these past two days we avoided the sunshine (as crazy as it sounds seeing as how we came all the way to Hawaii just for it!) and went shopping instead. And man did we SHOP!! Two whole days of shopping. Poor Logan was stuck in the stroller the whole time - but Auntie Robyn did her best to entertain him.

At the end of two days of shopping, we all ended up with a lot of good finds. Logan, however, was the most spoiled! He got a HAUL of new stuff! Especially today at the outlet mall. The Children's Place had a 99 cent rack - so we went CRAZY!! Below is a picture of everything Logan got so on this trip thus far. (Don't worry Mark, we didnt buy the pink hat!)

Tonight was Spam Jam on Kalakua Ave. Spam is a pretty big thing down here. So they shut down the entire street and had different spam foods (like spamghetti) spam vendors (selling tshirts, keychains etc) and a couple of live spam-inspired bands.

After walking though Spam Jam we went to Pf Chang's for dinner and then walked further down Kalakua watching the different street performers. Thats where we met ELMO!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cute lil cowboy!!