Thursday, May 01, 2008

Hawaii - Day 1 - NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!

From the title, you may be thinking that yesterday was a pretty rough day. But, looking back on it, it really wasnt as bad as we thought. Logan was superb on the flight to Vancouver and played happily under all of the chairs in the airport.

The flight to Honolulu started off really good. Logan slept for an hour and a half, watched some Tree House and played with his toys. From there things went down hill. Logan got over tired and sick of being on the plane. He cried for a good solid 40 minutes until he fell asleep.

We checked into room 2707 (we're moving to the 29th floor today so we can have a room with single beds.) We then went grocery shopping, for dinner (Logan was not a happy camper) and a quick swim in the pool before we went to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like logan prefers it in the chilly weather in calgary!! crying in almost every pic!
i will go in his place next time!