Friday, April 20, 2012

Goooooing to Winnipeg

Despite how tired and haggard I look in the picture below, no, I was not about to strangle any of my children. My children, MY children, actually did surprisingly well. We thought we had it made in the shade on the first flight from Calgary to Vancouver. We were living the high life with all three children asleep within the first five minutes of the flight. Too bad it didn't last longer than five minutes... then the monster awoke. But shockingly the monster was in a pleasant mood. He sat on my lap and looked around.He LOVED the lady sitting behind us who played peeka boo with him for almost the ENTIRE flight. (We asked her if she'd fly with us to Kona, but apparently she had places to go, people to see.) We made it to Vancouver without any major scream fests. We had just enough time to scarf down $4 hot dogs before we had to board the next flight to Kona - the six and a half hour flight to Kona.  

Carson slept the first three and a half hours of the flight in my arms. It's amazing how heavy a baby can start to feel after you've held him in one posistion for 3 and a half hours. It's not so amazing how sore your butt gets from holding said baby for 3 and a half hours. Carson did have a couple freak outs mid flight, either his ears were hurting or he had gas trapped in his tummy. But they were never long lived and then he was back to sleep.

Logan is our pro traveller. He settled in with his new power rangers DS game and was good to go. Mark and I never would have guessed though that KATIE would be our worst traveller. We were expecting Carson to give us a hard time, but Katie our sweet, quiet, plays-nicely-by-herself Katie? Who would have guessed that Katie would give us the roughest time. 5 hours into the flight (almost midnight Calgary time) Logan had finally put down the DS and drifted off to sleep, Carson was down for the count, again... but Katie... Katie was screaming and crying "I want to go HOME!!" She was exhausted and could not settle down. She cried and cried and cried yelling "I HATE HAWAII!!" Thankfully my hands were full with Carson, or I may have smacked her. haha jk.

I am NOT looking forward to the flight home (especially since that flight is MUCH fuller! Good thing I don't have to worry about that for another 6 days!


Albert and Karen said...
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Albert and Karen said...

They should do better on the way home since it's on overnight flight and they should sleep most of it. What does everyone else think of Hawaii?