Thursday, April 12, 2012


On Sunday we took a quick trip out to the acreage. Logan has been begging to ride his quad ever since he got it at Christmas - and the short spins up and down my parents' alley are no longer cutting it. He wanted to do some REAL riding. Mark and I also wanted to grab something out of our trailer for our Hawaii trip, so we decided to drive the hour out there.
Logan is a "no fear" kind of kid. Nothing frightens him. He hopped on his quad and took off as fast as the governor would let him go. He aimed for all the big mud puddles (good thing I packed extra clean clothes!) Five minutes into his quadding he was already begging Mark to "turn up the quad" - make it go faster. Thankfully Logan's a pretty good driver, he knows to look where he's going and slow down before making any sharp turns. At the end of the day only one tree was run into :)
There was a lot more snow than we were expecting - a good two feet in some places. We even got the truck stuck at one point, but after some back breaking shoveling and pushing (on Mark's behalf), and some awful "rocking" attempts (on my behalf), we managed to get out. You'd think after watching Mark and I struggle for almost an hour Logan would steer clear of the deep snow. But nope... he'd ride his quad full speed straight into the deep snow and then spin his tires until Mark could catch up and "unstick" him.
When we bought Logan's helmet off of Kijiji, the people who were selling it were also selling a pink toddler one. We thought it would be perfect for Katie! Katie however refused to even try it on. She was so scared and cried anytime we tried. Plus at that point Katie was also petrified of any quad or dirt bike and would cry anytime they was near (even if they were turned off.) So we didn't buy it. But sure enough, when we were out at the acreage on Sunday she was begging to ride the quad.
We didn't stay at the acreage too long. Just long enough for all 3 of my big kids to get filthy muddy, Carson to have a long nap in the truck (he never even came out!) and Duke to get a good run in (the acreage is his favorite place on earth!) We also couldn't find what we were looking for in our trailer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie... I probably would have been the same way when I was her age.

Logan is awesome haha... enough said :)