Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Grandpa, Grandma and Daddy aren't the only ones having a good time......

We were sick of all this snow and cold weather, so today Logan and I decided to go to the beach. We had a lovely time. We played in the sand (although it wasn't very good sand to make castles out of... it wouldnt stick together!!) played in the waves, people watched, but mainly, just basked in the sun. What a perfect day! (The only thing missing was lunch from Jack in a Box, but the closest one I know of is 3117 miles away!!)

Monday, January 28, 2008

6 Months

I took Logan to see Dr. Bennion today for his 6 month check up. According to her measurements (they were different at the clinic last week, but I figured she's a doctor, she probably knows what she's doing... atleast I HOPE she knows what she's doing) Logan weighed 19 pounds and 6 ounces. (Last week he weighed 19 pounds 13 ounces.) He was on the 95th percentile for height (last week he was only on the 75th.. so someone, somewhere messed up.) She had no major concerns and was very happy with how Logan is growing and learning. (She was shocked with how strong he is!!)

Logan is now an expert at sitting up on his own (although the puppies do tend to knock him over if we're not careful.) He is reaching further and further for things that I wouldnt be totally shocked if he magically started crawling one day (although I doubt that will happen for a while.) He is eating baby food twice, sometimes three times a day now. He REALLY likes the fruits, though he does eat the veggies, meats and cereals pretty well. And Logan is quite the little chatter box... he is now a BIG fan of his daddy and will sing him praises all day long "da, da, da, da, da". He is outgrowing his car seat rapidly, so we're in the process of purchasing a new one. (Just finishing up all the research.)

Today, after his doctor's appointment, Logan and I went to Market Mall. Since the weather has been so unbelievably cold today, and is expected to be as cold, if not colder, for the next few days, we went and bought a warm winter jacket for Logan. We went to H&M and they had a really good sale on. We got a new jacket, a new hoodie, a new sweater (all three shown in the pictures above) and two white, long sleeved undershirts all for under $40!! I don't know how Mark will react to the new purchases, but I thought they were pretty cute and a great price!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Baby Torture

Maybe I'm just evil and sadistic, but it's fun to watch Logan play with Cheerios. He tries so, so, so hard to eat them, but he can never get them to his mouth. He hasn't quite figured it out yet. His hands are too clumsy to pick the tiny things up. So instead he just pushes them around on the tray, usually sending them flying to the ground below (where, Peeka, Boo and Duke are all smart enough to sit waiting.) Then he'll start fussing, and eventually break out into a cry, causing me to stop what I'm doing, go over there and pop another cheerio into his mouth.


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eagles vs Trojans

Last night we went and watched Byn play at SAIT. On Friday they beat them in the fifth set, last night, sadly they lost in the fifth set. But, atleast we got to watch a lot of volleyball and see Robyn!!

Below is just a short movie I took of the game. Its not the most actioned packed... but it was hard with Logan on my lap.

Kings vs SAIT

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sitting up

By the time my Mom and Dad get home from Hawaii, Logan will be a pro at sitting up. He is already doing so well!!! He sits nicely and only falls over when he reaches too far for things. (He doesn't quite have the whole balancing thing down yet.) This morning we played in the spare bedroom and practiced sitting up on the bed (I dont think we're quite ready to try it out on the hardwood floor yet.) He only fell over three times (at which point we would remove a layer of clothing and gradually get dressed.)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Proof of Life

Well... you've been asking for it... so here it is, your proof of life.

Now here are our demands:
  1. Two boxes of chocolate covered macadamia nuts
  2. Some Nike ankle socks from the International Market Place
  3. Carter's undershirts in sizes +12 months
  4. Atleast ONE postcard sent by the US postal service

Come alone. Do NOT contact the police. I dont even want to have to tell you what will happen if you fail to meet our demands..... let's just say its not pretty. As you can see, besides some minor crustage, your dogs have been treated kindly. That will not be so if any of our demands are not met.

We have taken every percaution to conceal our identities. Don't try to contact us... we will contact you with the next set of instructions.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Logan's favorite past time

Continuing on with the "my child is a freak" theory.... here is Logan doing what he loves most... "playing" with Grandma's front door. Logan can stare at that thing for over an hour before he starts to fuss. He loves to touch it and tries to lick it every once in a while too (see?? He really is an odd one!) So if I need a little break to make supper or get dressed, I plop him down in his excersaucer infront of it. And there is now snow for him to look at out the window as a tiny bit fell last night!

(Please dont stare at Logan's bald patch.... it really isnt polite. heehee.)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


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For some strange reason, Logan thinks sneezing is HILARIOUS!! We discovered this on Sunday morning when the three of us (Mark, Logan and I) were lying in bed watching tv. Boo jumped up and started sneezing, and Logan went hysterical!! What a strange little boy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I love Carrots!!

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Logan tried Carrots for the first time the other day. I'm not quite sure how much actually made it into his mouth... but he seems to enjoy them!! I really wasnt too smart letting him get carrot EVERYWHERE as it seems to stain... oops!!

Like Father... Like Son

Friday, January 11, 2008

Fun with Brett

This morning Brett came over to play while Uncle Jeff and Auntie Laura went to the passport office. It was sort of like a preview as to what I can expect my life to be like in a couple of years. It was a VERY busy morning!

First we played with the blocks and made all sorts of contraptions... rocket ships, houses... even a diving board of some sort!! After what seemed to be an ETERNITY of playing, we made some popcorn and Koolaid and attempted to watch Casper the Friendly Ghost... but apparently that was too scary... so instead we popped in The Aristocats. That didnt last too long either... so we played with the blocks and the dumptruck again. Then, to switch things up, we baked some chocolate chip cookies... we should have made a double batch. That didn't kill enough time. The cookies were all baked and cooled, so back to the blocks.

This time we built a zoo and made cages for all of Logan's animals. We then fed the animals cookies for lunch, but then we had to call the zoo keeper to come muck out all the cages. (Apparently cookies dont agree too well with the animals' digestive systems!! Boys I tell ya...) There were several break outs at the zoo, and even an earthquake or two.

We had a lot of fun playing with Brett. Now it is time to feed Logan some lunch and put him down for a long afternoon nap. His second tooth has cut through, so he's a little irritable. (So its a good thing Brett was here to distract him this morning!!)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Noisey Baby

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Logan has got to be the noisest baby out there!! He is constantly making noise! He's either banging his toys around, giggling, farting (what can I say?? He's a boy!!) or his new "trick", SCREAMING! I don't know where he learnt it... but Logan hollars non stop! And its not because he's mad, no, tts like he's making noise just for the sake of making noise! And after yelling non stop he starts going into coughing and choking fits. What a silly, silly little boy!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Logan is getting his first tooth! We discovered the little white bump sometime ago, but this morning I discovered the tooth is finally cutting through. I think it has been bothering the poor little guy as he was awake crying a LOT last night, has been a bit more irritable than normal and has had twice as many poopy diapers than usual!! Hopefully the tooth will pop through quickly so that he can start feeling better! For now we will have to settle for some cold teething rings!

Seeing as how this is my 100th post, I thought I would end with a cute picture of Logan for fun! He was sitting on my lap yesterday and we were playing "This is the way the cowboy rides...." and he was giggling away.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

We love Daddy!!

I have really enjoyed having Mark home this past week and a half. It has been AWESOME having someone around during the day to help entertain Duke and Logan (and me!!) We've spent the last few days at home getting Logan back on schedule (and he's been SUPER good in return!!) Logan has been ultra-cheerful this week (knock on wood). He is giggling more and more and has a constant smile plastered on his face. (Logan ALWAYS sticks out his tongue now when he smiles... its the strangest thing!!) Logan must love having his daddy home. What will we do when he goes back to work?! We will be so bored and lonely!!