Tuesday, January 01, 2008

We love Daddy!!

I have really enjoyed having Mark home this past week and a half. It has been AWESOME having someone around during the day to help entertain Duke and Logan (and me!!) We've spent the last few days at home getting Logan back on schedule (and he's been SUPER good in return!!) Logan has been ultra-cheerful this week (knock on wood). He is giggling more and more and has a constant smile plastered on his face. (Logan ALWAYS sticks out his tongue now when he smiles... its the strangest thing!!) Logan must love having his daddy home. What will we do when he goes back to work?! We will be so bored and lonely!!


KDees said...

We've loved having Dan home too! It's been so relaxing! But, back to reality, hey? I hope getting back into a regular week goes well for both of us! And, I'm returning Logan's duplicate gift tomorrow and will pick up something new for him at the same time. We'll be sure to see each other soon to get that to him! :) Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I love Logan's smile!