Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Logan is getting his first tooth! We discovered the little white bump sometime ago, but this morning I discovered the tooth is finally cutting through. I think it has been bothering the poor little guy as he was awake crying a LOT last night, has been a bit more irritable than normal and has had twice as many poopy diapers than usual!! Hopefully the tooth will pop through quickly so that he can start feeling better! For now we will have to settle for some cold teething rings!

Seeing as how this is my 100th post, I thought I would end with a cute picture of Logan for fun! He was sitting on my lap yesterday and we were playing "This is the way the cowboy rides...." and he was giggling away.

1 comment:

KDees said...

Graham has his second tooth poking through!! Our boys are going to look so cute!!