I took Logan to see Dr. Bennion today for his 6 month check up. According to her measurements (they were different at the clinic last week, but I figured she's a doctor, she probably knows what she's doing... atleast I HOPE she knows what she's doing) Logan weighed 19 pounds and 6 ounces. (Last week he weighed 19 pounds 13 ounces.) He was on the 95th percentile for height (last week he was only on the 75th.. so someone, somewhere messed up.) She had no major concerns and was very happy with how Logan is growing and learning. (She was shocked with how strong he is!!)
Logan is now an expert at sitting up on his own (although the puppies do tend to knock him over if we're not careful.) He is reaching further and further for things that I wouldnt be totally shocked if he magically started crawling one day (although I doubt that will happen for a while.) He is eating baby food twice, sometimes three times a day now. He REALLY likes the fruits, though he does eat the veggies, meats and cereals pretty well. And Logan is quite the little chatter box... he is now a BIG fan of his daddy and will sing him praises all day long "da, da, da, da, da". He is outgrowing his car seat rapidly, so we're in the process of purchasing a new one. (Just finishing up all the research.)
Today, after his doctor's appointment, Logan and I went to Market Mall. Since the weather has been so unbelievably cold today, and is expected to be as cold, if not colder, for the next few days, we went and bought a warm winter jacket for Logan. We went to H&M and they had a really good sale on. We got a new jacket, a new hoodie, a new sweater (all three shown in the pictures above) and two white, long sleeved undershirts all for under $40!! I don't know how Mark will react to the new purchases, but I thought they were pretty cute and a great price!!
the jacket really isnt as dweebie as it looks in the picture. It's actually really cute!!
Love the new blog look! And, how cute is the picture with Logan's chubby little hands and the cheerios! Graham does GREAT with Cheerios (I'm sure Logan will too with practice!)- I think he's going to be a self-feeder instead of letting me shovel the bites in. He does great and it keeps him VERY happy! Most of them make it into his mouth now! What great bargains you found! All of your purchases are very cute! Can't wait to see you guys soon! What are you doing in the next few days?? I know Mark is a lucky dog and escaping this weather, but what about you and Log?
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