Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pictures from our first week

Logan's first bath at home:

Chillaxing on the couch:

Working on our fence:

Family Picture:

Any resemblance?

Derek Zoolander Face:

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's a BOY!

He is FINALLY here!! Logan Andrew Wiens made his long awaited appearance on July 21st, 2007 at 5:04pm. He is a VERY healthy little boy - weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces (just like BOTH his daddy and Opa Wagenaar did when they were born!!) Mark and I have both decided that, although he is a little bit of a "porker", he is very much a keeper and we both love him so much!!

Here's how the story goes....

Thursday afternoon Mark was finished work much earlier than we expected, so we actually got packed up and headed out towards Kananaskis around 2ish. We got to Mount Kidd before my parents did, so we backed our trailer in to the back of the camping site (which we shared with my parents.) Mom and Dad got there later on in the evening and parked their 5th wheel infront of ours. We then had dinner together, visited with everyone else, and then I went to bed and Mark sat around the camp fire for a bit.

Friday morning Mark got up early to go golfing. He shot a 98, which he was pretty happy with. I spent most of the day napping in the 5th wheel or visiting with the other ladies. Mark got home around 1ish, we had lunch and then went to wine time with everyone. After wine time we took Duke down to the river and let him swim for a bit. That is when I first noticed I was a bit wet, but didn't take it too seriously. Mark made me go back to the trailer to lay down while he finished the walk with Duke. After dinner I was still leaking a bit - so I layed down some more, just to see what was going on. The leaking pretty much stopped after that, so I thought it was just a false alarm. We went to the campground's store for ice cream cones with my mom and dad and then had coffee with Uncle Bill and Auntie Wilma. It was while we were having coffee with them that I thought I was having mild contractions.

Because I tested positive for group B strep I had been told that as soon as my water broke to head straight to the hospital for antibioitics, so after sitting around the campfire for a bit, Mark and I decided that we should probably head into town and see the doctor to determine if I was going into labor or not.. so we loaded up the pick up truck and headed into town at about 1:30am. We got to the hospital at about 2:30 where the doctor determined yes, I was in labor. She also discovered some mec in the amniotic fluid, meaning we would have to monitor Logan the whole time - so I was unable to leave the hospital bed at all (except for quick bathroom trips.)

At around 10am they checked me and I was already dialted 5cm. At that point I decided to go ahead and have some morphine. The morphine kicked in right away and I felt really good, so at that time they decided to break the rest of my water and up the pitocin. From there things went down hill. It was contraction upon contraction with hardly any breaks between. Two hours later I was still only 5cm dialated. At that time I couldn't take it anymore and opted for the epidural. I never really wanted to have an epidural, but boy am I glad that I did!! I instantly felt so much better and was able to have a good two hour nap. When they checked me next I was already dialted 10cm. I wasn't feeling the urge to push physically (I was for sure ready mentally!!) so we decided to wait a bit longer and let Logan move further down on his own. About and hour and a half later we started pushing and 45 minutes later out popped Logan!!

When they told me it was a boy I was a little shocked (although I didn't go as far as saying "That's stupid" like Robyn did!!) - as I had been expecting a girl. But both Mark and I are super happy with a boy. We were discharged from the hospital the next afternoon (Sunday) at around 4pm. This week has already been full of ups and downs, but things so far are going pretty well. Logan is a little jaundiced, so he's hard to wake up for his feedings (which, by doctor's orders, are every three hours). Breast feeding is taking us both longer to get used to than we would have liked.. but we're getting there.

Thank you to everyone who has called, stopped by with flowers, gifts, meals and just to visit this week!! We look forward to having EVERYONE meet Logan!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Due Date

Well... today is officially my due date, and still no baby. I was so sure he/she was going to come early, and yet, here we are on the verge of being "over due". I am starting to feel very tired, sore and cranky... but worst of all... very HOT! This warm weather we've been having has been killing me! So far I've manage to stay somewhat cool by alternating between long cold showers and laying on the couch in the basement. The little kid pool at the acreage REALLY helped too!! And I don't think I've ever had so many Popsicles in my entire life!!

One good thing however is that I've been managing to keep myself busy. I've been getting ready for our annual camping/golf trip to Kananaskis this weekend (IF we get to go), enjoyed Mark's softball game last night and today drove out to Dog Pound for their 101st annual Rodeo.

The rodeo, although unbearably hot, was a lot of fun. There were so many of us (Vanderveens) there. Grandpa & Grandma and Uncle Bill & Auntie Wilma parked their trailers right along the rail to reserve us nice seats right up close to all the action. (And I mean ALL the action!! Several times we got dirt kicked at us by the cows and one bucking bronco even crashed head first into the fence RIGHT in front of us!) Midway through the rodeo we enjoyed a nice buffet lunch (which was like Vanderveen Thanksgivings all over again... sooo yummy!) It was nice to go out there and spend the day not focusing on when this baby will be coming.

Tomorrow, after Mark is done work, we are leaving for Kananaskis, and the plan is to camp at Mount Kidd until Sunday evening. (All of this is subject to change of course if a certain someone decides to make their appearance... which, with our luck, will probably happen tomorrow afternoon after we just finished packing everything up in the trailor and are ready to leave.) Monday, if baby isn't here yet, its back to the doctor for yet another visit. And then on Wednesday, if baby STILL isn't here yet, another ultrasound. Fun stuff!!

Everyone cross your fingers for us that all goes well this weekend and please pray for God to give me the patience and the strength to continue on these next couple of days!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

TJ & Kelly's Wedding

Below are a bunch of pictures from TJ & Kelly's wedding yesterday. We had an awesome time! Kelly, you looked absolutely STUNNING, and TJ, well.. you looked alright. Just Kidding... you are a beautiful couple!! Congratulations!!!

Oh, and ps. as you can tell from the pictures, I'm still pregnant! No baby yet!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

One week to go... give or take a few billion years.

Well, here we are one week away from my due date. Pregnancy wise, there really isn't much to report. Nothing has changed since I last wrote. My ankles are still swollen, my blood pressure still fairly high and my tummy still HUGE. I've given up trying to predict when this baby will come, I've found that only gets my hopes up and then crushed. I think I am even about to waive my white flag and surrender.. tell the baby that he/she has won and that they can come whenever the feel like it (be it TJ & Kelly's wedding or our Kananaskis weekend, at this point I really don't care!!) I've tried everything to induce labor.. long walks, spicy food, pineapple, bumpy truck rides, even Castor oil! (Which is just YUCKY tasting and did absolutely NOTHING!!) None of it has worked... I guess he/she just isn't ready.

Below are what I hope will be the last pregnancy pictures I take. Mark says this shirt makes me look way bigger than I actually am - but I think he's just trying to be nice. I'm just huge, that's all there is to it. I'm even starting to wonder if my feet and ankles will ever go back to normal!!

I've been trying to keep myself very busy this week to keep my mind off of baby. I've gotten a lot of things on my to-do list done - finally!! Monday I got my hospital bags packed, the nursery set up (pictures to follow on a later date), the office organized, and Mark got all the tree branches/shrubs off of our front yard. Yesterday thankfully Mark had a short day and we were able to go to Chinook and walk the mall. Mark also subbed for Jason & Julie Vanderveen's softball team, so I went and watched him play (he hit four home runs!! I was quite proud!!) Today I tidied up the house and then babysat at Jeff and Laura's for a bit. (Easiest babysitting job ever!! All three boys were sound asleep, so I got to sit with my feet up and watch TV the whole time!!)

Today was also my cousin Connor's 11th birthday, so Mark and I went over there for a bit this afternoon and enjoyed visiting with everyone - and of course, eating some yummy food!! Don't worry Auntie Nancy - I deleted the funny picture of you! Although, I was VERY tempted to post it here for EVERYONE to see!!

Mark and I both had to leave the party early. Mark had a double header softball game (they lost the first game, won the second) and I went and saw the new Harry Potter movie with my mom and Byn (which wasn't very good by the way... well, not as good as the book, that's for sure!!)

As for the rest of the week... well, we are pretty much playing that by ear. I have no plans for tomorrow, Friday morning Mom Wiens is coming over for a visit, Saturday is TJ & Kelly's wedding, and Sunday Mark and I are hoping to go out to the acreage for the day to pick up our trailer.

Hopefully next time I get to blog it will be about our new baby!! But the way things are going right now, that won't be happening anytime soon!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

...and wait...

Well, the first week of Mandee's-official-mat-leave has drawn to a close and the "to do list" has not gotten any smaller. It's not that I've been sitting around doing nothing... it's just once I start something, I can't seem to stay focused long enough to get it done! So far my hospital bags are half packed, half of the office is clean and organized and half of the nursery is set up.... boy do I have a lot of things to do still!! When I look at my list I feel a little overwhelmed and think, "Boy, am I NOT ready to have this baby!!" But yet, I am still so anxious for he/she to come out! It's probably a good thing then that he/she doesn't seem ready to come out for a while.

The last doctor's appointment I had was Friday morning. When the doctor checked me then my cervix was still only dilated 1cm but could stretch to 2. She said it looked quite favorable and because my blood pressure has been so high (and at that appointment there was protein in my urine - a sign of infection), she suggested we go ahead and strip my membranes. (All this "prego talk" would have made me very squeemish before I was pregnant - so, sorry for those of you who are feeling a little nauseated reading this!!) She had hoped that would send me into labor within the next 48 hours... well, here we are... more than 48 hours later, and still nothing. (Although, I have to tell you, that every little cramp or pain I felt within those 48 hours made me freak out and wonder if it was the start of contractions!) I'm seeing her again tomorrow morning to repeat the procedure and discuss further options. (I was REALLY hoping the baby would be born yesterday... how cool would it have been if your birthday was 07/07/07!!?!?!)

It's actually a good thing that the baby didn't come yesterday as we FINALLY got started on our yard!! Uncle Bill came yesterday at 7:30am with his bobcat and started tearing the place apart. I don't know what we would have done without the bobcat!! It was SUCH a big help!! We got the backyard ready for the retaining wall, the hedge ripped out, the lilac bushes ripped out, the gross, icky tree pulled out and the post holes for the deck and fence all dug. We got so much done!! Although, if you were to drive by our house right now, it looks like a complete disaster! It's hard to see the progress through the mountain of branches needing to be chucked into the chipper and all the dirt everywhere. But, we're getting there! It also helped that dad, Uncle Jeff, Uncle John and Aaron came over to help to!! Thanks so much everyone!!!!!

On the agenda for week two of Mandee's-official-mat-leave is some more attempts at my to do list, more work in the yard, a doctor's appointment or two, maybe a quick trip down to the stampede grounds one evening (if I can convince Mark), a stampede breakfast or two, TJ & Kelly's wedding on Saturday and hopefully the birth of a baby! Stay tuned for more "exciting" updates, as well as some pictures from Kelly's stagette (which was last night).

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

And now we wait..

Once again it has been a while since I last wrote anything... which is pretty bad, considering quite a lot has happened!!

I had an ultrasound done on June 18th to check on the baby's growth and positioning. Everything in that department is going well. At that time the baby already looked to be 6 pounds, 6 ounces and about a week ahead of schedule. Although the doctor said not to get my hopes up for an early baby, since every baby seems to have their own schedule they stick too.. and so far, according to the internal exam she did last week, our baby doesn't seem to be wanting out anytime soon. Although you'd think it was trying to escape out the side of my stomach from all the kicking and squirming it does!!

Dan and Karen had their baby boy, Graham Matthew, on Saturday, June 23rd. Mark and I went out to the High River Hospital to visit on Sunday. What a cutie!! (Check out Dan & Kare's blog for some REALLY adorable pictures!!) Seeing him made us even more anxious to have ours OUT! And Mark is now dead set on having our baby out in High River. He says the moment my contractions start we are going to head out there for a "day trip" and just conveniently be in the neighborhood when it's time to deliver the baby. He was very impressed by the hospital's friendly staff, the private rooms (with comfy leather recliners), the visiting hours that are open to anyone and everyone, and most of all, their free parking!! So don't be surprised if you get a call from Mark inviting you out to High River!

Friday, June 29th, was my last day of work at WestJet. I am now officially on maternity leave! Now only 15 days of waiting around and trying to fill my time. Which shouldn't be too hard, considering I have a TON of things to do still before this baby comes!! Including setting up the nursery, organizing my house, building a fence/deck/retaining wall (which is actually more Mark's department) etc. And I do plan on taking it easy too.. sitting on the couch with my feet up, enjoying this last little bit of sanity while I still have it.

We spent this past weekend camping out at the acreage... something we probably won't get to do much of once the baby arrives (its hard enough with just our rowdy dog!!) We enjoyed some really nice weather and had a great time visiting with everyone. We both managed to do a lot of relaxing, including at least one nap a day for me and a round of golf on Saturday for Mark. I forgot my camera (again), but below are some pictures Robyn took of the weekend.

This weekend was my mom and dad's 25th wedding anniversary, so we celebrated with a large cake at coffee time. Opa and Oma also came out for the day and had dinner with us there. I admit, Robyn and I dropped the ball and didn't plan anything special for mom and dad... we figured they're going on a cruise in October, thats special enough!! (Although we didn't plan that either!)

Yesterday Mark's softball team also had a double header. I don't know what it is about Team Moses, but the team always seems to manage to get into arguements and fights with the other teams. Once again last night tempers flared and words were exchanged. However, thankfully this time it didn't end in a fist fight! Things managed to cool down enough for us (I like to think I am still on the team) to win the first game 11-10 and the second game 15-5. They play again on Thursday (hopefully I will get some pictures taken there!)

Anyways, it is officially day one of Mandee's-mat-leave... and it is already quarter to eleven and I am still in my pjs!! Time to get moving I guess!!