Thursday, November 11, 2010

Magna Doodle

The magna doodle is by far the most popular toy in our house. Both kids just LOVE playing with it. Katie will scribble all over until there isn't any white space left. She'll then erase it and start over again. Katie also love to just sit with it on her lap (so Logan can't have it) and suck on the "pen". (Ya.... I never said this kid was smart.)

Logan on the other hand concentrates so hard on what he's trying to draw. If he messes up in the slightest bit he erases the entire thing and starts over from the beginning. I think we have a little perfectionest on our hands. He always asks me to write him a word on a sticky note, and then he tries to copy it and write the word on the magna doodle. Below is his attempt at writing his own name.

The magna doodle provides hours of entertainment, giving me a lot of nice quiet time. However, it also envokes endless amounts of fights and arguements. The magna doodle can sit on the floor and no one will want to play with it, UNTIL the other one picks it up. Then they BOTH want it. And poor Katie usually ends up losing.