Friday, March 22, 2013

What was I thinking?

What was I thinking when I promised my kids I'd take them to the zoo today? I was probably thinking "It's spring!" And while it technically is spring, it sure didn't feel like it this morning! We froze our bottoms off at the zoo this morning! Mittens, toques and ski jackets and we were still Popsicles by the time we left. But, despite the frozen runny noses, we had a LOT of fun (if you ignore the end - when Katie was whining about sore legs, Carson kept losing his mittens and Logan wouldn't stop campaigning to stop and buy lunch).
The good part about it being so cold was that there was hardly anyone else there. We got to spend a lot of time inside watching the penguins. Carson was scared at first and started to cry when one swam up to the glass. He wasn't overly impressed.
We also spent a looooong time watching the hippos swim (mainly because it was so nice and warm in "Africa"!!)


 Carson really perked up when we went out to see the Lions. He kept roaring in the stroller. The lions were actually AWAKE and playing! One was batting a ball around right infront of us.

My camera lens kept fogging up inside the gorrila house, so we couldn't get any pictures of the funny gorilla frunning around with a burlap sack stuck over his head. 

Carson also seemed to enjoy the elephants (but he might have really just been enjoying the heated buidling). By this point everyone was getting a little fed up with mom always making them pose for pictures.

The next time we go to the zoo, it'll be a WHOLE lot warmer!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hitmen Awards Banquet

Back in December the Hitmen were sorting all the teddy bears they collected from the Teddy Bear Toss game at the Petro Canada near our house. My mom thought she would take Logan there to meet them all and get autographs and pictures with them. Unfortunately when they got there they had just missed the players by 10 minutes. Logan was crushed. One of the organizers saw how sad he was and told Logan that she would give our email address to his favorite player (Alex Roach) and try to have him send us a little note. But weeks went by and we never heard anything from anyone, so we assumed she must have forgotten about Logan.
However, that wasn't the case! A couple weeks ago my mom got an email from the organizer saying she remembered meeting Logan and how disappointed he had been when he did not get to meet Alex Roach. She then invited them to be her special guests at the Hitmen Awards Banquet. Logan was so excited and counted down the sleeps until it was time for the big day.
Yesterday we dressed him up in his fanciest clothes and off they went to the Fairmont Palliser for lunch. Wendy (the organizer who invited them) had prearranged for Logan to have his picture taken with a few of his favorite players and to have them autograph his 2012-2013 Hitmen Yearbook.
(Victor Rask, Logan, Alex Roach)
(A funny story about Logan and Alex Roach... the morning Carson was born Logan went into preschool all excited to tell his class and teacher and announced "I have a new baby brother! His name is Roach!" He was quite disappointed when we told him we did not infact name Carson - Roach.)

(Austin Calladine and Logan)
(Logan likes Austin because he actually billets with Logan's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Williams. A couple of weeks ago Austin broke his nose in a game so Logan made him a get better card. Upon meeting Logan for the first time yesterday Austin said "Oh, you're the guy who made me the card!")
So Logan had his 3 favorite players' autographs and was super happy. But the cherry on top was when Kelly Kisio (the Hitmen's general manager) came over and introduced himself to Logan. Logan eagerly showed him the autographs he had got. Mr Kisio then took Logan by the hand and said "Well, lets go get the rest of the players to sign your book then!" And off the two of them went! He took Logan around the entire room until they had met all the Hitmen but 4!
Logan came home overflowing with stories of who got what award and all the yummy food he ate (he ranted and raved about the giant plate of prime rib he ate.. I think I saw Mark turn green with envy and drool a little). What a lucky, spoiled little boy we have!

(My mom, Logan and Ms Wendy)