Monday, December 01, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree.. Oh Christmas Tree

After many, many days of begging and pleading, Mark FINALLY let me pull out the Christmas decorations. Logan was so excited about everything. At first he was a little shocked that there was a tree in our living room... he was so scared of it. He wouldn't go anywhere near it. Unfortunately, that didnt last too long. Soon Logan was in there like a dirty shirt "helping" decorate the tree.

Even though he was having tons of fun and was super excited about the tree... nothing can stand in the way between Logan and Lunette from the Big Comfy Couch!!

He loves all the ornaments. He has yet to pull any of them off, but he loves touching them.

And this is what happens when you tell Logan "No, don't touch!"

This year I bought a Nativity set from Sears. It's a Fisher Price Little People set. Which is perfect for Logan. He love's playing with it. (Although in one day we have lost two of the three wisemen and Joseph.)

Even Duke was excited about getting ready for Christmas!

Do you think Mark was excited?? This is what he did while Logan and I decorated the tree.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And he hasn't said a word since...

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

This video was taken in August of 2007 - so when Logan was only about a month old. I don't know if you remember it, but listen to the very beginning carefully. At that very young age Logan said his first word first sentance; "I look good".

Logan is now almost 16 months old and hasn't said anything since. Well, thats a bit of a lie. He hasn't said anything besides that and "daddy" over and over and over again. (Guess who his favorite person is!)

Hopefully some day soon his vocabulary will expand and he'll learn to say "MOMMY!!"

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Finally, some pictures!

No, I haven't found my camera cord. It is still M.I.A. But Robyn has been bugging for pictures so I made a special trip to my mom's this afternoon to upload some current shots.

For Halloween Logan was a lion. As you can probably tell, he didn't really enjoy his costume. He screamed and cried when we first put it on. But, as soon as we went outside he forgot all about it and loved running around the neighborhood. We only went to houses of people we knew, but Logan still got a bag full of yummy loot! (We tried to use face paint and draw a cute little nose and whiskers on Logan - but that was nearly impossible.)

This morning the three of us bundled up and headed outside to "enjoy" the fresh snow we got last night. Again, Logan threw a temper tantrum when we tried to put his snow suit on. (I think if he had his way he would run around naked all the time.) We headed to turtle hill to take Logan sledding for the first time. He seemed to really like it but it was kind of hard to tell. He didn't cry or scream when we went down - but he didnt laugh or smile either. He liked the snow. He liked crawling in it and taking off his mittens to play with it. But he HATED his snow suit. He couldnt walk very well in it and kept falling face first into the snow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obnoxious Ones??

I havent written anything in quite a while... over a month actually!! And thats mainly because I have had my hands FULL with Logan. He has been keeping me so busy and preoccupied lately. I am constantly having to track him down, see what he's gotten into and clean it up. He is always getting into something. Logan is one busy beaver!! He can never sit still and play nicely with his toys (and yet he plays so nicely at his grandparents' houses!) This week alone I have caught him:
  • Pulling all my pots and pans out of the cupboards
  • Emptying ALL of the Cheerios out over ALL of the living room floor
  • Throwing Kleenex's EVERYWHERE (my mom actually caught him doing this at her house).
  • Sitting IN the toilet, soaked up to his waist playing in the water
  • Eating dirt out of the plants
  • Running down the hall with a trail of toilet paper following him

And its only TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't turn your back on this boy for one second.

On top of all his mischievousness Logan has developed quite the temper. (I swear he didnt get that from me!!) He has thrown so many tempertantrums in the past three days! For example, on Sunday we went to the acreage to drop off our trailer and when it was time to go, Logan didnt want to get in the truck. Instead he threw himself down on the ground and screamed and cried. Mark picked him up and tried to buckle him in his seat and had to pretty much pin him down! Logan was screaming, flailing and HITTING!

I think he has hit his terrible twos one year too early!

On top of all this "naughtiness" Logan has hid my camera cord somewhere. I've been looking all week and havent been able to find it yet - hence no pictures attached to this post!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Boy and his Dog

A boy and his dog make a glorious pair:
No better friendship is found anywhere,
For they talk and they walk and they run and they play,
And they have their deep secrets for many a day
And that boy has a comrade who thinks and who feels,
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels.
He may go where he will and his dog will be there,
May revel in mud and his dog will not care;
Faithful he'll stay for the slightest command
And bark with delight at the touch of his hand;
Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody steals,
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels.
No other can lure him away from his side;
He's proof against riches and station and pride;
Fine dress does not charm him, and flattery's breath
Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful to death;
He sees the great soul which the body conceals--
Oh, it's great to be young with a dog at your heels!
- Edgar Guest
Give a boy a dog and you've furnished him a playmate.
- Berton Braley

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Do you think he likes it??

Logan went absolutely crazy over this cookie I gave him this afternoon. It's a shortbread cookie with chocolate on one side. He licked all the chocolate off and then devoured the cookie part (making a HUGE mess while doing so!!)

He was not very impressed when I took the cookie away from him. He had a bit of a temper tantrum - but cheered up as soon as I started to fill the tub. That's really the only way to make sure he gets all the way clean.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Vacation? What Vacation?!

Mark and I both took this past week off of work. But, instead of using our WestJet priveleges to go somewhere fun and relaxing, we decided to stay at home and do some work on our yard. My first reaction is to say that was the WORST idea we've EVER had as it was a lot of hard, grueling and DIRTY work.... however, we got a lot accomplished and are now not all that ashamed of our house. (It was pretty ghetto before.)

Below are two pictures of the front of the house that were taken last summer shortly after Logan was born. (I wish I had a picture of our house when we first bought it with the two giant spruce trees in the front yard, the hedge on the side yard and the liliac bush crowding the front step.)

Now this is what the front of the house looks like after this week. Mark finished the deck/rail/gate while I painted. We started painting the trim of the house as well, however, still have some more painting to finish. We got a new outdoor light, doorbell, mailbox and house numbers, as well as a new tree (a Russian Olive).

Here is a look at the side of the house after stage 1 of yardwork (which happened last spring.) In this picture we have already torn down a tall tree, the liliac bush and the monstrous hedge that used to run along side the house and are starting to put the fence together.

Here is what the side of the house now looks like. From the street you can pretty much only see fence and the umbrella from the patio set. But, we've also planted two hawthorne trees along the side of the fence (they're just tiny right now, but hopefully they will grow nice and tall to shade the side of the house.) We also still need to sand and paint the two window trims and the house trim.

We decided to make the side deck a lot bigger than the back deck so we have more privacy (our neighbors' deck is right next to ours on the back). We set up our patio set that we got as a wedding gift (more than 2 years ago!) and are looking forward to sitting out there basking in the sun. I havent painted the floor of the deck yet, I've been told to wait a year to allow the wood to settle.

Again, I wish I had a photo of what the backyard looked like when we first bought the house. There was no fence, deck, retaining wal or anything. It was just a crappy hill with lots, and lots of weeds. Here is a photo from last spring (again) when the fence and retaining wall were built. As you can see, Mount Duke is still there.

And here is a shot of what the backyard looks like now. The grass is in, the fence is painted and we have a shed up. The flower boxes still don't have flowers in them - just weeds. Thats next spring's task.

Mark has started working on the back deck. He got a lot more done this week than we had expected, but we still have a ways to go. That part still looks a little ghetto, just because there is lumber and crap everywhere. But once its done I'm sure it'll look just as nice as the front deck.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

For a while now Mom has been bugging me to post a video of Logan walking (just so you could see it Byn, so you better appreciate this!!) He pretty much walks everywhere all the time now. Although, he does tend to fall down if he tries to turn around too fast. (He's not too good at the 180's yet!)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dance Moves

He may look like his daddy... but he got his dance moves from his mommy!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sticky, Sticky Mess

There's nothing like a popsicle on a warm summer day - and boy does Logan sure love his popsicles!!

Uhhh, wrong way Logan.

"Duke, you want some of my popsicle?" Logan sure does like to share with his puppy.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Random Pictures from the Reunion

The Extended Vanderveen Clan

The "Original Ten" and their spouses

The children of the original 10 (seated by age)

Our family

A few of my favorite shots from the weekend. (Apparently my son is an alchoholic).

Monday, August 04, 2008

Vanderveen Family

Mark and I just got back from a very busy, exciting weekend at the acreage. This weekend was the Vanderveen Family Reunion. We had a lot of fun seeing and visiting with all our relatives again - all 321 of them! I will post more pictures soon - I need to collect the best shots from various people. For now, I will leave you with a group shot of just our close family.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jessiya's Stagette

Last night we had Jessiya's stagette. We all got decked out in our grody 80's gear went to the Kamps's house for a lingerie party and games and then went to Snatch.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Logan!

Since our schedules are pretty hectic and crazy for the next couple of weeks, we had an early birthday party for Logan this weekend. (His actual birthday is July 21st). So yesterday we had a Backardigans Birthay Bash. We "borrowed" my parents' backyard and had all our friends over for a bbq.

Logan was severely spoiled with lots of presents - which he absolutely LOVES! (Even the creepy, satanic Igglepiggle doll from Auntie Robyn.)

Logan went to town on his piece of cake. By the end you couldnt even tell it was cake - it just looked like giant mush. We chose to have a fish put on the cake because thats the only word/animal noise Logan knows. And sure enough, when we showed him the cake he puckered up and started smacking away.

Logan was covered from head to toe once he was done. There was no amount of paper towel in the world that would get that kid clean! So we stripped him down and let him swim in his new pool (from Uncle TJ & Auntie Kelly). He had a blast! He kept everyone entertained.

By the end of the day Logan was so pooped. He fell fast asleep while we were driving out to the acreage. It was so cute - he would NOT let go of his balloons.

(I'm going to try to put more pictures up on facebook later this week).