Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Camera

Mark came home the other day and announced that he was buying me a new camera. (Have I mentionned how much I love my husband??) While I am in LOVE with my new camera, I have to also admit that it intimidates the crap out of me. It does so much more than my old point and shoot camera that I don't even know where to start! I did go to Chapters and purchase a copy of Canon Rebel XS for Dummies (yes, yes, you can all make fun of me now) and have slowly been reading through page by page. But I am still a long ways away from knowing the full capability of my new camera.

I think the kids are mad at daddy for buying mommy a new camera. Everytime they turn around they now have a camera lens shoved in their faces. They haven't been overly cooperative about it either...

Even the dog is getting pretty ticked off. Everytime I take the camera out he starts to bark at it. The other night I thought I had bested him and could sneak some pictures of him when he was sleeping... but no, as soon as I started snapping away, he started growling at me.

I did manage to snap one picture of Katie where she wasn't screaming, crying or running away... Katie is our snugglie child. She ALWAYS wants to sit on a lap, give kisses or hugs. Which is such a change for Mark and I as Logan never wanted to have anything to do with us.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

We're going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo

We ventured out of our house today and found our way to the zoo. And just like when I was little, we sang "We're going to the zoo zoo zoo. How about you you you? You can come too too too, We're going to the zoo zoo zoo." the ENTIRE way there. It was a good day at the zoo too - it was nice and warm and there was hardly anyone else there.

The hippo was out of the water nice and close, so we could get a good look.

Right before this picture was taken that Lion had walked straight up to the glass and scared the crap out of Logan... so it took a little coaxing to get him to pose for this picture.

Logan insisted he had to take a picture of the zebras to take home and show to his stuffed zebra. (He had tried to convince me in the morning that zebra had to come with us to the zoo, but I was a mean mommy and made zebra stay at home and hold down the fort).

After taking the zebras picture Logan decided he needed to take pictures of more wild life. I don't really know where Payton wandered off to in this picture.

The last time Katie was at the zoo she was probably only 9 months old. So this was her first "real" zoo experience. She loved running around and jumping in the puddles. Her favorite animals though had to be the Ooo-Ah's.

Logan just LOVES posing for pictures.

Kelly tried to help Logan climb up onto the bear for a picture - major fail. They struggled for a long time while I stood there and laughed. I'm such a good mom/friend.
After the zoo we went to Wendy's for frosties. I obviously was talking too much and not paying enough attention to Logan. When we got home I found these pictures on my camera..

Not a bad picture of Payton. She pretty much slept like this the entire day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Katie Sings Veggie Tales

Disclaimer: At no point in time have I ever or ever will I claim to be a good or even decent singer. I know I suck. Mark knows I suck. The kids know I suck. I think its general knowledge that I suck. So please, please, I'm begging you... please ignore my awful singing and focus on the cuteness that is Katie.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

When I was little I used to write my mom birthday poems instead of forking over the cash to buy her real gifts. They were super mushy and had the corniest lines. And the ryhmes... oh the rhymes! I am embarrased just thinking about them.

I probably haven't written her a birthday poem since I was 12, but here we are today, March 10th... my mom's birthday. Today is my mom's 48th birthday.... and I didn't buy her a gift. So mom.... this birthday poem's for you!

My mom was born so long ago,
Way back when the guys had fros.

The girls wore clothes that would make you cry
They were so ugly, I think I would die.

Look at her hair, the way it swoops
Stacey London would say it's a big fashion oops.

When I see these photos it makes me laugh
how'd she get those shorts up past her calf?

Lucky for us times have changed,
those clothes and her have become estranged.

Her hair has straightened, her clothes are mellow
but she hasn't changed her taste in a certain fellow.

My mom is hip, my mom is with it
I sure hope this year she doesn't kick it.
Ok, so obviously my poems haven't improved over the years. Infact, I think they may be even worse! haha.
In all seriousness, Happy Birthday Mom. I love you and appreciate everything you do for our family. You're always there when I need you.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Hey, where we goin' today Rocket Girl?

Out of all the toys we have in our family room, this is what the kids have been playing with for the past week. A 2 cube box. It's been made into a fort, into a robot, and now - in this picture, a rocket ship.

No rocket ship would be complete without party noise makers! (Left over from Duke's birthday party in August). I often hear "3-2-1 BLAST OFF!" followed by 10 minutes of pure ear drum shattering shrills from their horns. I don't know quite why they do it... maybe thats how their rocket ship is powered? Or maybe its just fun to irritate mom?

Had I known they would have been this entertained by a cardboard box for this long, we wouldn't have half as many toy-toys in the basement. I can plop both of them down in the box infront of a Curious George movie and I have 60 minutes of uninterupted mommy time (minus the horn blasting of course).

Friday, March 04, 2011

You'd think I would learn...

Remember this??

That was Logan at about 21 months - eating yogurt unsupervised. Now, you'd think after that mess I would have learnt my lesson... but no. Here is Katie, at 21 months - eating yogurt... again, unsupervised.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Gyro Bowl

While we were in Hawaii we discovered this magical thing called the Gyro Bowl. "The world's first ever snack bowl that spins and spins and stuff stays in!" It was on a commerical one evening (see?? something good did come out of all those many, many hours of football Uncle Ray made us watch!) and I couldn't believe my eyes. A spillproof bowl?? It's like the creators of gyro bowl made this personally for me with my children in mind! I mean, the gyro bowl is 100% totally, ABSOLUTLEY kid proof!

Just fill the gyro bowl, and you're ready to go! I'll share the secret with you... the magic is in the middle! The gyro bowl works just like a globe (apparently?!?). The inner bowl rotates 360 degrees and magically stays open no matter what!

But the Gyro bowl isn't just for kids... no, no, no! The gyro bowl is also perfect for holding nuts and bolts, paperclips, pushpins and more! I can bring it to my office, put them out at parties, or even by the pool! (Cause we all have pools in our backyards here in Calgary! More like icerinks!!) Adults like the gyro bowl because they're just so cool!

Oh, and don't you worry, I called right away and got the second gyro bowl for free! That's two amazing gyro bowls for the same low price!

I had never ordered something from an infomerical before... but thought I couldn't go wrong. Afterall, it was 100% guaranteed!! When the package arrived today we had a lot of fun playing with it, and it is virtually spillproof. We filled it with many marshmellows and the kids went to town and nothing fell out. So it's lived up to its promise, but would I order it again?? Meh...