Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And he hasn't said a word since...

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

This video was taken in August of 2007 - so when Logan was only about a month old. I don't know if you remember it, but listen to the very beginning carefully. At that very young age Logan said his first word first sentance; "I look good".

Logan is now almost 16 months old and hasn't said anything since. Well, thats a bit of a lie. He hasn't said anything besides that and "daddy" over and over and over again. (Guess who his favorite person is!)

Hopefully some day soon his vocabulary will expand and he'll learn to say "MOMMY!!"

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Finally, some pictures!

No, I haven't found my camera cord. It is still M.I.A. But Robyn has been bugging for pictures so I made a special trip to my mom's this afternoon to upload some current shots.

For Halloween Logan was a lion. As you can probably tell, he didn't really enjoy his costume. He screamed and cried when we first put it on. But, as soon as we went outside he forgot all about it and loved running around the neighborhood. We only went to houses of people we knew, but Logan still got a bag full of yummy loot! (We tried to use face paint and draw a cute little nose and whiskers on Logan - but that was nearly impossible.)

This morning the three of us bundled up and headed outside to "enjoy" the fresh snow we got last night. Again, Logan threw a temper tantrum when we tried to put his snow suit on. (I think if he had his way he would run around naked all the time.) We headed to turtle hill to take Logan sledding for the first time. He seemed to really like it but it was kind of hard to tell. He didn't cry or scream when we went down - but he didnt laugh or smile either. He liked the snow. He liked crawling in it and taking off his mittens to play with it. But he HATED his snow suit. He couldnt walk very well in it and kept falling face first into the snow.