Thursday, April 08, 2010

Big Heads mean Big Brains!

I found this Chinese children's song while I was researching "Big Heads" on the internet... blogspot wouldn't let me copy and paste the chinese characters (and what would be the point, really?) but in English, it goes like this...

Big Head, Big Head,
When it rains, I don't worry
Most people have umbrellas,
I have my big head!

I think I will teach Katie this song when she is old enough to laugh about her large head size. I wish I could scan her growth chart and post it here, because it really is quite commical. Although it doesn't look that large, Katie's head size is off the charts. Our family doctor had been concerned yet again about Katie's head size, so I took her back to the specialist. Dr. Taylor however isn't concerned at all. She says it is purely genetic (gee, thanks!) But wants us to come back again in three months for yet another follow up.

So that's a relief. However, during the appointment Dr. Taylor did find a "click" (whatever that is) in Katie's hips. She's worried that may be why Katie is so reluctant to rollover. We are going to have an ultrasound done of Katie's hips to see how severe it is and if anything further needs to be done. Dr. Taylor is also refferring us to a physio therapist to help with Katie's mobility. The doctor was also concered with the size of Katie's liver. She's worried it is enlarged. So during the ultrasound she is going to ask that they take a look at that as well. I'm not too worried about either Katie's liver or hips, but it'll be good to have them checked out.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Edmonton - Easter Weekend

This weekend Mom and I took the kids up to Edmonton to visit Robyn & Brian. Logan had a blast swimming in the pool (even though it was FREEZING!!) By the end of the weekend Logan was jumping in the pool by himself and swimming to the ladder and jumping in again and again!

We also took the kids to Galaxyland in West Edmonton Mall. Logan loved the airplane ride. He was all excited about the car ride, until the attendant told him to sit down... which upset Logan and he then refused to ride it and cried until we took him off. Katie loved it though!