Thursday, March 29, 2012

3 Months

Well, I'm only a week behind with this post... I'm getting better with my timing. Carson is now 3 months old. If I had to guess his weight, I'd say he's close to 15 pounds. You can tell he's really packing on the pounds now! His cheeks are getting chubbier and he's starting to get rolls on his arms and legs. He's still waking up twice in the middle of the night (grrr) but I guess thats contributing to his recent weight gain. We have FINALLY convinced him to start taking a soother again... which is making life a bit easier. But he still lets his temper get the best of him sometimes and boy can that boy SCREEEEEEEAM. When he's not freaking out he shares his smiles freely. He's constantly babbling and quite loudly (and I guess he has to be if he wants to be heard over his brother and sister!) We haven't heard a giggle yet, but I think he's really close. But despite all of our tummy time and time spent playing on the floor, I still don't think we're close to rolling over.
We recently started playing with Carson on the activity mat. At first he didn't seem overly impressed and just layed there, looking at us like "Now what?" But once he discovered he can kick his feet against the crinkly paper at the bottom he now loves it! He is also quite a vain baby and loves to look at himself in the mirror (any mirror really).

Thursday, March 15, 2012

No news is good news

Just a quick update on Carson...
Last Friday we had another follow up appointment with our family doctor. I expressed my concerns that Carson wasn't growing much. He still fits in almost all of the same clothes as when he was first born. He's only outgrown maybe 2 or 3 sleepers. She quickly assured me however that he is in fact growing - rapidly! He now weighed 13.6 pounds and jumped another percentile - this time from the 50th percentile to the 75th. His most recent chest xray also showed his thymus to be shrinking in size (which is a good thing!). We have to go for some more blood work at the end of the month, and then we see the pediatrician at the beginning of April.
Carson has started sleeping longer periods through the night. The longest stretch he has gone is 7.5 hours (which was heavenly!) but usually goes between 4-5 hours. He is smiling and cooing up a storm. He may not have the red hair, but he sure has the red headed temper. Man does this kid have a short fuse! He can go from being perfectly happy to crying/screaming bloody murder in a split second - no gradual build up from a small fuss. He looooooves watching Duke and the kids, and HATES his soother (which makes me very sad as soother babies are soo easy!) He throws hissy fits when you put him in his car seat, but loves car rides. Such a fickle child. He's not as easy of a baby as Logan was, but he's not near as evil as Katie was.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Carson's Baptism

Yesterday we had Carson baptized. Why we chose the same Sunday as Spring Forward is beyond me - but it was still a great day. Thank you to Karen for taking these pictures for us!
Despite all of our "practicing" in the tub and explaining, the kids were very interested in what was happening - Logan more than Katie. All Katie wanted to do was dance and twirl on stage.
It was by pure coincidence that Logan and his best friend Justin were dressed exactly the same!
After church we had both of our immediate families over for lunch. My mom snapped this picture of all the "Wagenaar" men.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Don't You Ever Grow Up

Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
To you, everything's funny
You got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have, honey, if you could stay like that
Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up,
don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up,
don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
- Taylor Swift

Saturday, March 03, 2012

2 Months (plus a few days/weeks)

This is a week or two late... again! But at least this time the picture was actually taken right when Carson was 2 months... I've just been too busy to blog it!!

Last Friday, at Carson's immunizations, he weighed 11.9 pounds (50th percentile) and measured only 21.75 inches (25th percentile). We went yesterday for a follow up chest xray (for his enlarged thymus) and will get those results next Friday when we see our family doctor again. I'm not worried at all though, Carson seems to be doing great. His breathing has really slowed down, he's happy and growing like a weed. He gives the greatest smiles and coos up a storm. We start seeing the pediatrician early April.