Thursday, June 12, 2008

Play Day

This morning I dropped Duke off at Petcetera to get groomed. They bathed, clipped and brushed him. He was there almost all day. He now feels so soft and smells b-e-a-U-tiful! (Just in time to get all muddy and stinky at the acreage this weekend.) This evening once Logan went to bed, Mark and I went out and threw his frisbee around on the front lawn.

Once we dropped Duke off at the groomers, Logan and I stopped at Toys R Us. We got a new toy and played with it all afternoon. Logan hasn't quite figured out how to make them pop up. But he loves to close them all. It's a race. I try to pop them all open before he gets them all closed. He's pretty quick!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today's Pictures

Logan had a very busy day today. He was busy learning new things and being very naughty. Today was one of the first days he pulled himself up on furniture by himself (meaning it's time to lower his crib mattress). He can pull himself up fine, but he hasnt quite figured out how to get back down. He gets really frustrated and stands there crying.

I managed to catch Logan doing the "so big" on camera today. He rarely does it, so I was super proud of him (and myself for getting the picture.)

Unfortunately, Logan found the toilet today. He is in love with it. I dread the day he actually figures out that there is water in it and starts flushing things down.
Logan also discovered that he can shove things other than his tiny little fingers into the VCR. I spent the majority of the afternoon pulling him away from the VCR. He just doesnt understand the word "no", and if he does, he blantingly ignores me time after time.

We went to Mom and Dad Wiens's house for dinner tonight. Karen and her boys were there as well. It was so cute to see Logan and Graham interact.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Houston we have a PROBLEM!

Duke's favorite toy is a pink squeeky ball. Duke absolutely LOVES this ball. One quick little squeek and he comes running. Recently Logan has become a huge fan of this ball too. He loves to play with it. First he gets so excited and shakes the ball and then attempts to throw it (it never goes very far.) The problem is, neither Duke or Logan are very good at sharing. When one has the ball, guaranteed the other is trying to steal it from him. It used to be that Duke always won, but now that Logan can motor around Duke is no longer safe. However, Logan gets much more upset than Duke does when he loses the ball. He cries and cries (usually a big fake cry to get Duke in trouble). And half the time I think Logan asks for it... he teases Duke with the ball until Duke cant take it anymore and just steals it out of Logan's hands.

(I swear I dress Logan in other clothes. He doesnt always wear this brown tshirt... it just so happens that he's been wearing it on the only days I pull out my camera).

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