Friday, August 31, 2007

Busting at the seams...

Logan is growing SO fast! On Wednesday I took him to the doctor for his one month check up and everyone there couldn't believe how big he was! He weighs almost 12 pounds and is 58cm long. He was in the 95th percentile for his weight and 90th percentile for his length. He's already outgrown a bunch of his sleepers and has started wearing 3-6 months! His legs and arms are getting so chubby they are starting to get rolls!! Although Graham is a month older, Logan is almost, if not just as big as him! Man, our kid is a porker!!! We got to see Graham and Auntie Karen last night at a baby shower Mark's mom hosted. We dressed the two of them in matching outfits from Auntie Irmie.... can't you tell they're really enjoying themselves!

And the passport saga continues... I really wasn't happy with the photo Walmart took, so I took Logan to Black's to get another one taken. This one was MUCH better! His eyes were open, his mouth closed and he actually looked like himself! So today Mark and I went down to the passport office on McLeod to get it sent off. I had told Mark I wanted to be there right at 8:30am when they opened to avoid any lines... to which Mark answered "There won't be a line anymore!! How many more people in Calgary need passports??" Well, when we got there at 9am there was a line out the door and ALL the way around the building. We stood in line for more than THREE hours!! Luckily Logan behaved himself (otherwise if he cried the whole time I'm sure the people around us in line would have ganged up on us and thrown us out!) But thankfully its all done now and pretty soon we'll be off to California to see Mickey Mouse!

But before we go to Disneyland, Logan has a few other trips to make. Today we are leaving to go to Windemere for the long weekend. We are pulling our trailer up to Justin's cabin and are hanging out there with Justin & Jessiya, Louis & Niki and Eric & Kasey. It will be interesting to see how the weekend goes with a baby!! It will sure be different than the past cabin trips.

Also, Logan and I are leaving on Wednesday night to go visit my Auntie Donna, Uncle Ray & their kids. We are flying standby on WestJet to Montreal with my mom and then renting a car to drive across the border into Vermont. It will be interesting to see how Logan does on an airplane!! Logan will be a pro traveller before he even turns one!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I look good!

Alright, so I don't mean to brag or anything, but our kid is a genius! In this clip I caught Logan talking. TALKING!! Speaking perfect english at the age of 5 and a half weeks! You have to listen very carefully as Logan is pretty shy and doesnt like to show off... but after his first coo he clearly says "I look good!!" And yes, yes he does. (His T-shirt is brand new and obviously he really likes it!) He probably would have continued on to say "I have the best mommy in the whole wide world and I'm sorry I threw up on her in the last clip" but Auntie Robyn so rudely turned on her blowdryer and interupted him! Sheesh!!! Once the blowdryer is on pretty much nothing else happens, but I didn't know how to edit the clip and only post part of it... so you get the whole thing. Enjoy our boy wonder!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

1 Month

Time sure goes by fast when you're having fun! That, and when you're busy changing what seems to be a billion diapers a day, getting zero sleep and are constantly getting peed on! Yesterday was Logan's 1 month "birthday". (Sorry, no ugly cake this time!) I can't believe he is already a month old! It seems like just yesterday that I was this massive, whiney pregnant lady who just wanted the baby OUT! And I will admit it, there have been a few moments where I wanted Logan back IN! For a while there Logan was getting very, VERY fussy every night between 7pm and 11pm. He would cry and cry and cry for what seemed to be no reason! However, (knock-on-wood), with the help of gripe water, he is slowly getting better. His thrush on the other hand, is not.

When Logan was about two weeks old I noticed his entire mouth was white, so we went to the doctor and they gave us an anitbiotic - which thankfully Logan loved taking!! After about a week of it, the thrush went away, or so we thought. A week and a half later it was back, and now we just finished the second round of antibiotics and it still hasn't gone away, so now we start the third round. Hopefully this time we'll get it for sure, but if not, we have two more refills waiting. Fun, fun!

You know whats also NOT fun?? Getting a baby's passport photo taken!! Now that has got to be the most ridiculous thing ever! Why on earth does a baby need a passport?! And if they're going to make your baby get a passport you'd think they could lighten up on the passport photo rules!! But nooooooo... Logan had to have his eyes open and looking at the camera. His mouth had to be closed - but he couldnt be smiling or frowning. AND he had to sit up on his own! Well, we all know he can't do that, so I had to try and prop him up without letting my hand be seen in the photo at all. Let's just say it was disasterous and yesterday was no fun!! But, after going to two different places and having Logan scream nonstop, we FINALLY got the photo taken and hopefully the passport office will find it acceptable and not reject it. (Cross your fingers!!)

Logan is still only going three-four hours between feedings. We had two nights where he went six... but only two nights. Logan has started "talking" to Mark and I, which is a nice break from the crying and screaming. He has also started smiling! Although, I have yet to see one. His first smile was on Sunday at Auntie Wilma's house. Since then I have been bribing him for more!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Duke!!

Yesterday was Duke's 1st Birthday! I made a birthday cake and we went over to Peeka & Boo's house (Duke's best friends) to celebrate. I'm a little embarrassed of how my cake decorating skills turned out... I didn't realize you're supposed to buy tip attachments to go on the icing tubes, AND some of the icing stuck to the lid of my cake pan. Logan's lucky we have Duke to practice on!!

Here's a record of a few things Duke ate in his first year of life:
  • The hibiscus plant
  • Lionel the Lion
  • Logan's Baby Book
  • Many, many pairs of Mark's shoes
  • Several Kleenex boxes
  • Silk Sunflowers
  • Family Guy DVDs
  • The OC DVDs
  • The Longest Yard DVD
  • The White Pages
  • a 2X4 he found in our basement
  • The pump for my mom's pond
  • His Ikea blanket
  • The carpet on the front stairs
  • Countless tennis balls
  • ALL of his puppy toys

That's just what I can remember, I'm sure there was WAY more! For the first couple months that we had Duke we kept him locked in his kennel... but soon he outgrew that and we kept him locked in our bedroom. But he kept tipping over the garbage can and sleeping on the bed - so then we gave him the whole house... thats when the DVDs and carpet got eaten. Man, we must love this dog! But now he's settled down a lot - only occasionally do we come home to a disaster zone. (You can immediately tell when Duke's been bad because the moment you walk in the door he books it outside and tries to run away - where as if he's been good he goes outside but then comes right back inside once you call him.)

Looking over the list above you're probably wondering why we still have Duke.. here are some good things about him:

  • He's ALWAYS happy to see you when you come home
  • He cries when you leave (which makes you feel loved!)
  • He sleeps on your feet, keeping them nice and toasty
  • He eats all the leftovers you no longer want
  • He's the pre-rinse cycle for our dishwasher
  • He cleans Logan's face for us
  • If you're not careful he tries to join you in the shower (come on, thats cute!!)
  • He's a great listener (although he doesn't always obey)
  • He thinks he's a lap dog
  • When you cry he licks up your tears
  • He pulls you up steep hills
  • He's soft and cuddly
  • He eats any bugs that find their way into your house

Hmmm... maybe you really need to know Duke in order to love him!!! Happy Birthday Duke!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

If the shirt fits...

These T-shirts from Justin and Tyler describe Logan perfectly!! He is your typical boy when it comes to bodily functions. He is a lean, mean farting machine!! He farts frequently and LOUDLY!! They're so loud Mark and I were worried he would fart during church and disturb everyone! He's also quite the pooping machine!! When he goes - he goes!! And twice already Logan has decided to poop on mommy mid diaper change! Fun times! Logan also LOVES to pee when getting his diaper changed. I think he peed on me every single diaper change the first week! He peed all over himself and Grandma Wagenaar at the health clinic and last night he peed all over daddy for the first time. I'm thinking we really should invest in one of those peepee teepee's!

Even though Logan can be quite the little stinker - we still love him so much!!!

Facebook has taken over my life...

Last night a bunch of us from highschool got together for another girls' night. This time we went over to Tina's house and sat out in her backyard talking and eating yummy, yummy food. A lot of our conversations were focused on babies, weddings and... sadly, facebook.

It's sad, I know.. but facebook has taken over my life! I am officially addicted. I am so addicted this facebook/e-harmoney parody makes complete and utter sense to me!! I think its HILLARIOUS!! Thanks Jessiya for telling me about it!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Spoiled Rotten!!

Logan is only 2 and a half weeks old and already he is spoiled rotten!! He has received so many
wonderful gifts from all of his new family and friends. Last night was the icing on the cake as we went to a baby shower hosted by my Auntie Laura, Auntie Geraldine and Auntie Nancy. Again Logan was spoiled, not only with some cute clothes and neat toys - but as always he was the centre of attention and was held the entire night. Thank you everyone so much for coming and for all the great gifts! And an extra thank you to my awesome aunts for all the hardwork you did!!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

August Long Weekend

Like most long weekends, we spent this one camping out at the acreage. I was a little worried how Logan would do... but he did super good!! He slept and ate on schedule and only had a few crying sessions - which were all very short lived. He was pretty spoiled though - being held 24/7. He is in for a bit of a shock this week as he will have to get used to falling asleep in his crib instead of being rocked/held. Duke also did much better this weekend... he still swam in the pond nonstop and got filthy dirty, but he was much calmer and better behaved.

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures... but here are a few from the weekend:

Logan in his farmer's outfit:

Napping with Opa:

Logan slept in Robyn and I's old bassinet this weekend and earned the nickname "Baby Moses".

Bath Time

Logan is finally starting to relax and enjoy the bath!! Here are some pictures from his last bath. (It is my parental right to take embarrassing bath tub pictures and show everyone... including ALL of his future girlfriends!!)

Friday, August 03, 2007


Last night was Mark's last softball game of the regular season. It was a very close game - but Team Moses ended up winning 18-16. As of right now that puts them in second place in div 2 - meaning we have a bye to the playoff tournament next weekend. If for any reason they drop down in ranking (which shouldn't happen) they would have to play next week again to make it to the tournament.

(Sorry for cutting off your head Alex!!)

Logan and I went and watched the game last night. He slept through most of the game - but towards the end he woke up and "watched" contently. I'm pretty sure Mark is going to make sure Logan is a great softball/baseball player when he grows up!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


A LOT of work has been done out in our yard this week. Grandpa has been over daily working on getting our fence put up and tonight Dan came over to help as well. They're almost done with the fence - then we move on to the retaining wall and the two decks!

Thankfully all of this noise has actually been HELPING Logan sleep!! Even with the skillsaw going right outside his bedroom window, Logan has been sound asleep for 5 hours now!! After the sleepless day/night we had yesterday I'm having a hard time believing that he's still asleep!! I've had to go and double check that he's breathing several times already!!